I was born in Milan with a passion for drawing and painting, in fact, since I was a child, I have always represented daily and family events through drawing, as if they were illustrations. My education began at the Art School, subsequently I graduated in Literature and Philosophy at the University of Rome "La Sapienza", studying History of Art and Library Science. This training course temporarily brought me closer to the world of paper restoration. I then graduated in Educational Sciences at the Pio V University of Rome, studying visual communication in advertising. Family and economic reasons led me to work in different fields throughout my life, leaving a subordinate, but never forgotten, role to artistic activities. In recent years I have dedicated myself intensely to drawing and art, for which I have created works and decorations of all kinds: wine labels, full-length portraits in clay, drawings for bas-reliefs of marble fireplaces, covers for CDs, prints for T-shirts. I also dedicated myself to the illustrations of books and magazines of private cultural associations; I created invitations for weddings and other occasions using linoleum engraving techniques. My natural aptitude is for figurative and naturalistic drawing. I have also created several artist books with watercolor or ink drawings and a few texts, inspired by biographical facts or short manuals. In recent years I have won some prizes and received honorable mentions in numerous illustration contests. With oil and/or acrylic paintings I have participated in many collective exhibitions, the latest of which will take place in 2024 at Palazzo Ruspoli in Cerveteri. I also dedicated myself to engraving and printing with linoleum or wood matrices.I recently started modeling clay, creating all-round and bas-reliefs objects.
Lucia Adele Lepore
My passion: from dream to reality
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