Rodolfo Riga
Challenged by constant experimentation, Rodolfo Riga works on different supports on which stratifies china, brushes, pencils, hand drawn. His production is the result of an in-depth, extensive, and determined study in creative research.
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Riga was born in 1954 in Rome, where in the 70’s he attended the University at the Faculty of Architecture. Since he was a child, he manifests an artistic tendency that will soon lead him to seek the realization of his inspiration through various graphic techniques. Challenged by constant experimentation, Rodolfo works on different supports on which stratifies china, brushes, pencils, hand drawn. From his first works that creates elaborate complex abstract compositions of a particle nature, he arrives today to express himself through portraiture, creating with free interpretation a multitude of great Masters of art, as well as personalities from the world of entertainment, politics, society, friends and family. His production is the result of an in-depth, extensive, detailed, multiform study, determined in the search of a style that best translates the diachronic evolution of every creative intuition. Riga’s studio is located in Rome at the Lanificio Luciani ex-industrial area, n. 157 Pietralata street.

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