Paolo Di Nozzi
Artist with many years of experience in sculptures creation, based on recycled materials, mainly broken springs.During the last 10 years I have partecipated to more than 40 national and international exibitions
Data and contact details

Graduated in Industrial chemistry, till from the young age I have shown an ability in realizing small sculptures.

From more than 10 years this hobby activity becomes a continuous and professional job.

My working activity it's focused on the recovery raw materials use and on the "Arte povera" artistic concepts.

In this field the broken springs are the main material used for realizing original and actractive sculptures 

Herewith the list of the main exibitions of the last 10 years:

2015 Ex Lanificio, Rome - Concorso Aracne

2016 MACRO Testaccio, Rome - Tattoo for ever

2016 Le dame art Gallery, London

2017 Villino Corsini, Rome - Il grande canale della pace

2018 Castello dei Conti, Ceccano - Pesanti come coriandoli

2018 Polo Museale di Gualdo Tadino - Contemporaneamente

2019 MACRO, Rome - MACROAtelier

2019 Museo MACC, Cisternino - Della resilienza e sopravvivenza

2021 Museo Crocetti, Rome - Dialoghi sulla Contemporaneità

2023  Atelier 4 Fontane Rome - Lamelapis

2023 Villa Lazzaroni, Rome - La Crociata dei Bambini

2024 Castelli di Nocciano e Caramanico - In Labore Fructus


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