Adele Foffi
Adele Foffi born in Monterotondo in 1992, studied classical guitar at the Conservatory of music in Perugia. She has participated in many performances and collaborations with various artists, playing classical repertoires and original compositions at 432Hz.
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Born in Monterotondo in 1992, she owes her early classical guitar training to M° Flavio Ciatto and M° Filadelfio Cordiali. She studied at the Conservatory of music "Francesco Morlacchi" in Perugia with M° Stefano Palamidessi, and later with M° Antonio Pantaleo.

She has participated in various solo and ensemble performances, including guitar orchestras, both nationally and internationally. Over the years, she has developed several collaborations with other artists, accompanying them with her guitar in monologues, performances, and musical duets, drawing from classical repertoire and original compositions, at 432 Hz, which she has written herself.

Currently, she also focuses on teaching in various local institutions, aiming to help individuals express their own feelings, originality, creativity, and being.

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