Raha Tavallali
Data and contact details


Raha Tavallali  born in Shiraz ( Iran ) moved to London in 1968 . Studied in London and after the diploma in Art and Environmental design changed direction and studied at Institute of Family Therapy and Women's Therapy Center becaming a Counsellor/ Therapist.  Worked in London for more that 15 years as Counsellor and Manager of a Center for people with mental health problems using Art and Talking cure.

Has continued her creativity using  performance art , istallations , photography , clay and mix media . Now living between London and  Roma .


Performance art nel anni 70 a Londra ICA e Stratford Theatre


Publications - Illustrata Young Visitors to Britain 1975


2014 - mostra personal   ( And so they came … ) a studio Marina Gozzi

2016 - mostra personale (  I draw , and You tell the story … ) a Incinque Open Art Monti


Participato a diverse collective

2015 - Spazio VARCO Aquila

2017 -  Uno e Plurale

2017 - RAW Incinque Open Art Monti

2018 -  Open House Roma

2018 -  SpazioY Palermo Palazzo Savona

2019 -   Mostra d’ arte Contemporanea Incinque Open Art Monti 

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