Marco Bucchieri
Data and contact details

Born in Rome (Italy), 1952, Marco Bucchieri has lived in many italian towns and in London and New York.

The ‘80s work, started from a photographic expressionism often presented as a deconstruction of the traditional image in order to achieving a sort of collection of diary pages eroded by time and nature elements (burnings, overwritings, tears), turned afterwards into a more and more conceptual series of works where the assemblage of images and elements is reduced to the essential as they were emerging from estranged and evocative landscape context scenarios.

Since the early ‘90s he has been focusing on Visual Poetry realizing works on paper where the combination of photographic elements together with writings and mixed media was following a constructive way close to the collage technique, and same type assemblages inside wooden or carton boxes, and “Artist Books”.

Since 2008 he started over the photographic research realizing digital images (often large size) where the conceptual key is developed in the contents and through the seriality of the thematics time by time explored.

 Lately,  the interest in Jungian psychology, and in a kind of  storytelling that could analyze disruptions in communication, have then led him to study the urban environment alienation both from the architectural and humanistic point of view, through images where lines and colors filtered by curtains and windows, complicated the perception of external reality, as reflections of a progressive existential isolation.

In August 2015 during the Art Residency on the Comacina Island, he started the project "Every man is an Island," in which the words were looking for a symbolic expression through writings on the edge of the photographs, realized according to a "script" prepared beforehand, or through short talesthat, following the thread of interrupted communication, led the photos to express new elements in the relationship between history and image.

Currently he is continuing the research also using watercolors and inks on the photographic surface to obtain a global literary profile, and  developing a new series where the focus is mainly on the hand applied text.

His photographic works are in many private collections in Italy, Denmark, UK, USA and Turkey, in the collection of the Academy of Fine Arts of Milano, and in the Modern Art Gallery of Cento (Ferrara, Italy).


 1985 : Appearances/Apparenze, P.S. 122 Gallery, New York (U.S.A.)

1986 : Apparenze/Appearances, Galleria Centro Mascarella, Bologna

1987 : Opere Fotografiche 86/87, Spazio Cultura Navile, Bologna

1998 : Altre Immagini, Artipici Carteriani, Ex Salumificio Pagliani, Modena

2010 : Time Passages, Natural Camera, Bologna

2011 : Still, Torri dell'Acqua, Budrio (Bologna)

2013 : Backwaters, Museo Magi'900, Pieve di Cento (Bologna)

2013 : Tempo di Ritorno, Galleria L'Incontro, Ancona

2013 : E i nostri sguardi, leggeri come foto - Spazio Lavi', Sarnano (Macerata)

2013 : Starch New Space, Bologna

2015 : Aftermath, Fiorile+Tatler, Bologna

2016 : Detections, En. Solferino, Bologna

2018 : Le attese imperfette, Lavì City, Bologna

2019 : Le attese imperfette, Dessì-Mondadori, Sassari

2019 : Enjoy the Silence, TakeawayGallery, Roma

2019 : Solo Show (Enjoy the Silence 2), Antigallery, Roma




 1985 : Lesioni Permanenti, Galleria Centro Mascarella, Bologna

1985 : Lesioni Permanenti, Archivio Fotografico Toscano, Prato

1985 : Lesioni Permanenti, C.R.T., Spazi della Triennale, Milano

1985 : Lesioni Permanenti, Villa di Basciano, Siena

1985 : Fashion Moda Benefit Exhibition, Ronald Feldman Gallery, New York (U.S.A.)

1986 : Hi-Tech Fresco, Studio Leonardi, Genova

1987 : Xerox Variations, Rank Xerox Center, Roma

1987 : Intorno alla Fotografia, Galleria Centro Mascarella, Bologna

1987 : Stamp Act, Junior College of Albany, Albany, N.Y. (U.S.A.)

1988 : 1988, L’Arte a Bologna, Musée des Augustins, Toulouse (Francia)

1988 : Ubi Minor Ibi Maior, Galleria Arco di Rab, Roma

2000 : Associer/S’Associer, Studio Mascarella, Bologna

2009 : Arte in forma di Libri, Abbazia di S.Nilo, Grottaferrata (Roma)

2010 : F.50/60, Loggia della Fornace, Pianoro (Bologna)

2013 : Omaggio a Giuseppe Verdi, Galleria Il Ponte, Pieve di Cento (BO)

2014 : Tutto è Paesaggio, DuepuntiLab, Bologna

2016 : In Insula 2014-2015, Ex Chiesa sconsacrata di San Carpoforo, Accademia di Brera, Milano

2016 : Oltre il Paesaggio, Lavì City, Bologna

2018 : PostMachina 2018, Galleria B4, Bologna

2019 : The Baby Boomers, Lavì City, Bologna

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