Gregorio Samsa
Data and contact details


Gregorio Samsa is an artistic duo that defines himself a single artist. He creates visual paths built like games of mirrors with a strong ambivalence sense using videos, sculptures, collages of fabrics, embroideries and furnishing elements. Starting from videos retrieved on web he alters the original document by inserting his artworks in it, through a careful manipulation work. The viewer is placed in front of an altered narration, which becomes the beginning of a new experience: the works come out of the video and become residual objects of a middle dimension, on the border between paradox and reality.


2017 The Sound & The Story, Curated by Anna Cestelli Guidi. AuditoriumArte Rome.

2015 WHERE IS ABEL?, Curated by Adriana Polveroni. AlbumArte. Rome.

2013 1+1=1 / Hungry Ghost, Curated by Antonello Tolve. Different locations, Rome

2011 Real / Virtual, Artissima 18 Side Event. Curated by Adriana Polveroni. Turin


2020 Premio Combat Prize #11 edition. Museo G. Fattori Livorno.

2020 DA CASA. Curated by Cristina Cobianchi. AlbumArte Virtual Exhibition

2019 ALBUMARTE 20X20, 2019. Curated by Claudio Libero Pisano. AlbumArte, Rome.

2018 TWINER #6 - Liveliness. Curated by Ex Elettrofonica e Secondome. - Centrale del tennis, Foro Italico Rome

2016 Premio Combat Prize #07 edition. Museo G. Fattori Livorno.

2015 The Upcoming Art - da un'idea di Alessandro Marena Part_2. Curated by Luca Beatrice. Turin,



2020 Premio Combat Prize #11 - Finalist. (Catalogue). Work: Natività con i Santi Lorenzo e Francesco d’Assisi.

2016 Premio Combat Prize #7 - Finalist. (Catalogue). Work: Pratica 799.

2015 Rotary ‪#‎YouthArt Prize - WINNER. Work: The Paris International Exposition,1937.

2012 Terna Prize 04 - Finalist Category Megawatt. (Catalogue). Work: Babel.



2015 #BoCS - Residenza Artistica Cosenza 2015. Curated by Alberto Dambruoso

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