Laura Amato
Inspired by intimate feelings or natural landscapes, whether figurative or abstract, her works reveal a story. Collage, painting, photography and textile art are the expressive tools with which she translates her visions.
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Her evolution as a painter is due to the inner fusion of studies and passion for art combined with innate creativity and the desire to tell about herself.

The drive for her creative journey comes from the primary, sometimes compelling need to express feelings and emotions related to specific moments and experiences. Inspired by intimate feelings or natural landscapes, whether being figurative or abstract, her artworks reveal a story. Collage, oil, acrylics, photography, assemblage and textile art are the expressive tools she translates her vision with.

She focuses on the need to express emotions through the body language, sensitivity she acquired and refined during the many years passed studying classical ballet that has let the artist to the choice of transforming her body in the perfect medium for painting, in a unique technique that is her instinct direct expression.

Vivid colours to communicate intimate emotions, no brush used, only her body giving shapes to the human figures in the compositions mixing performance and body painting.

The artist merges in a visceral way with her creation. Her distinct style is the product of the employment of various media including acrylics, collage and assemblage. The accurate selection of the materials employed is a relevant part of her body of work: silk, feathers, chandelier's crystals, just to name a few, merge themselves around the human figures represented.These little objects, expressing their meaning like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, help unravel the representation and, at the same time, they ground the artistic vision with their intrusions.

Her artworks have been shown and awarded in domestic and international art galleries and museums such as the Piccadilly International Art Museum in Seoul, South Korea, with the french Société des Artistes Indépendants as well as group shows in Zurich, Montecarlo Monaco, New York, Basel and Rome where she lives and works.

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