Olympia Dotti
Data and contact details


 Instagram MIAF - MUSEO ITALIANO ARTE FELINA - https://www.instagram.com/miafmuseoitalianoartefelina/

Facebook MIAF- MUSEO Italiano ARTE Felina - Felini tra Arte, Natura e Curiosità https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063530613792

Studio Olympia Corsi di Pittura Decorazione e Mandala - https://www.facebook.com/studiolympia

Oympia Dotti & Co. Environment Communication & Bizz - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063332974170

Ecogeo Village "Imagine" & Co-Housing "Gli Eucalipti"- https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100051257452750

Newlynx Academy International - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100066624756071



She loved Beauty, Art, Nature, Curiosities, "Kalos Kai Agatos", the Hellenic concept of Beauty and Good - She was spontaneously attracted by all that is Harmonic following an instinctual Fibonacci Numerical sequence, which she then integrated with elements of Sacred Geometry and Mystical Kabbalah, then she dived into Colors through Studies at Asiact - Aura Soma International Academy of Color Technologies expressing herself artistically through the "FREQUENCY OF THE COLOR" and the "VIBRATION OF THE WORD" either in the "Soul Portrait Project", in the "Mandala Mandelbrot Chakra Vortex" and recently in the "Collage New Pop".

Olympia Dotti has exhibited both in Museums in Italy, Macro Museum in Rome, and abroad, Museè' du Manége in St. Petersburg for the Italian Pavilion, also distinguishing herself with Critics and Jury Awards for the Triennale Cult of Art Rome, both with the Critical Video intervention by Professor Vittorio Sgarbi during the Capitolium Exhibition in the "Sale del Bramante", and on Olympia Dotti's Youtube Channel, within the “Ad Hoc” FORMAT "In Camera con Olympia", Program of Video Interviews between Art, Nature and Curiosity.

She founded the MIAF, Italian Museum of Feline Art, between Art, Nature and Curiosity with its 7 Charity Missions, as a Widespread Museum, but also with Pop-up Exhibitions for some years, but in its New Form 2023, in Technology 3.0 as a Holographic and Interactive Virtual Museum Platform that can be visited as a Videogame, with Nft Images in Blockchain. Since 2023 much of her Art has been dedicated to "New Media Art"





At the National Museum of Castel Sant'Angelo in Rome on display at "The Sweet Sixties - Narrations of Fashion" curated by Stefano Dominella Artistic Director of the Atelier Gattinoni, a renowned Roman Fashion House also known internationally since the 1950s, Olympia Dotti's work “Happy Girls are the Prettiest Girls” dedicated to Her Beloved Aunt Audrey Hepburn was presented in Primis in a New-Pop Optical Black & White Collage that recalls Escher's Graphics.

This B/W Collage, New-Pop develops the Dimensions of 1 x 1.50 m, a combination of Art and Fashion that is certainly among the Most Successful.


Usually, Olympia Dotti uses only Colors and their Shades after the Specialization at the "Art & Science International Academy of Color Technologies of Aura-Soma", for this reason, despite the enormous Success found at the Ticket Office of the National Museum of Castel Sant'Angelo with 8 thousand visitors on April 25th and the same number on May 1st, Olympia Strongly wanted “Audrey Bathed in Colour”.


A “Work in Progress” which first produced the “7 Audrey's Facets” presented at the “Punti di Vista” Exhibition promoted by A.M.A.C.I. (Association of Italian Contemporary Art Museums) at the GARD Gallery and Subsequently for the RAW - Rome Art Week 2023 for the “Arte & Parole” Exhibition at the GARD Gallery the

“Happy Girls are the Prettiest Girls - 7 Colors of Happiness”




Born from an Artistic Urgency to return to old Childhood Works Reworked with Contemporary Techniques in which the Work of Collage of Images and Sensations that after being composed and then reworked through Painting, also in Gold Zecchino, are Photographed and Printed on Plate in Brushed Aluminum in which the White Color is not printed, obtaining a Surprising result, Extraordinarily Dynamic and Bright, which shines through the back of the Canvas itself, the Brushed Aluminum that is Satin and Iridescent, a true Beauty for the eyes.

In addition to the fact of being able to Customize the Size of the Work within the choice between the "9 Iconic Heroines" carefully selected among Women who are recognized worldwide, as in the Archetype of the 9 Muses of Ancient Greece that represented the supreme Ideal of Art understood as the truth of the "All" or the "Eternal Magnificence of the Divine" that we find in the work of Olympia Dotti emphasizing the indispensable values embodied nowadays by the Heroines themselves.

Women who embody Virtues such as Loyalty, Heroism, Patriotism, Courage, Beauty, Elegance, Femininity, Altruism, Style, Generosity, but also Eccentricity, Despotism, Moodiness, the sacred Feminine in All Its Shades that crosses the Centuries reaching Us in a Universal Language of Love and Passion always conveyed through the daughters of Eve

The "9 Iconic Heroines" made POP by the Brazenly Colored Art, in the Meaning of the use of the "Collage Technique”, have been carefully chosen through the Ages and the History of the Times because, although some Prey of their Vanity and Vices, we find Loyalty to the Fatherland, Honor, Courage, Indomitable Spirit, Sacrifice, Charisma, Charm, Beauty, Seduction, these are the same choices among many and reduced to 9, like the Muses, Full of their Difficulties on the Human Level that have nevertheless left us traces of Free and Indomitable Spirits, Great Examples to Inspire us:

1) Cleopatra 2) Joan of Arc 3) Elizabeth 1st of England 4) Empress Cixi

5) Sissi Empress of Austria 6) Anita Garibaldi 7) Fridha Khalo 8) Evita Peron 9) Audrey Hepburn

In this precise Historical Moment, in which we are totally devoid of References worth taking as Charismatic Examples, she also considered

"THE MADONNA", as a feminine figure, strong, pure and as a symbol, but she also thought that "THE MADONNA"

it is already in each of us and this is its a Constant Miracle,

and it is precisely for this reason that she has decided to deprive us of its iconographic and iconoclastic figure.


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