Ros Lenci
between the natural world and human artifice... on this thread like an acrobat I remain suspended in the void in search of a passage that unites these two distant but profoundly similar worlds, other possible and infinite spaces Ros Lenci
Data and contact details

Ros Lenci

lives and works in Rome

Studio Ros Lenci Laboratorio d'arte

Exhibiting drawings, engravings, watercolours, oil paintings

...(Tele)transported out of rational space this study is a hyperbole and an overlapping of narrated places that envelops us, freeing the speculative power of imagination. Plunging one's gaze into these wild places, where the trace of the human has the rationalization of space out of its reach, brings one closer to a liminal intuition                    Oncini Adriano

From 2010 to 2023 among the most important: Biennale di Roma Sala del Bramante, Galleria Agostiniana Roma, Spazio Vetrina Roma Pzza dei Cinquecento, Galleria Epireo Roma, La Bottega delle Arti Arezzo, Fortezza Orsini ex-granai Pitigliano (GR), Pisa Expo Stazione Leopolda, Il senso del Luogo, Momart Caffè Roma, Sintetica presentazione opere 2021/22 , #ART.9 inspired by the animal world, Exhibition halls of Momart Caffe di Roma 2022 2023 Galleria MedinaCastelli 2024

Parallel to his work as an artist, he teaches painting disciplines at the L.A.R. until 2021. Libera Accademia di Roma. His workshop is a place of research, which has always been open to anyone wishing to learn about and deepen their study of the various painting disciplines.

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