Sandro Scarmiglia
Data and contact details

Sandro scarmiglia was born in Rome on 03/12/1964 and graduated in anting at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in 1990. In the same year he begins his collaboration as an assistantdesigner for television programs on Rai and Fininvest. With the same qualifications in 1996 he landed in cinema with film"L'una e L'altra"by M.Nichetti.As a scenographer he collaboates to the realization of great events and conventions,later he signs scenes and costumes for teatrial performances including "Hard Love" by M:Lerner directed by R.Silvestri and "Aria Nova BY Pierpaolo Palladino with the direction of B.Maccallini. With A.m.r.e.f. and Dulcimer he participas to a humanitarian project for po or children in Nairobi organizing the show "Mgona mtaani" which debuts in Italy at Umbria Jazz in 2009. He is interior designer and scenographer of the following films

2011-"11 September 1683" by RMartinelli

2012- "Giovanni Borghi" under the direction of L.Manuzzi.for Rai Uno

2015. "Ustica" by Renzo Martinelli

2015- "Acqua di Marzo" by Ciro De Caro

2017- Caravaggio the soul and the blood" SKY' directed by J.G.Lambert

2018- "Scappo a casa" in collaboration With Francesca Fezzi,directed by E.Lando

2019- "raffaello amori e passioni" doc-film for SKY Arte.

Parallel to his professional career as a scenographer, hehas always kept alive deep interest for plastic research,finally arriving to scultpture.


1992 "graffiti" Galleria Cantine del Piccolo, Roma

1994 "Pinturas", Museo Municipal de Bellas Artes, Bahia Blanca, Argentina

1996 "Tafelbilder", Literaturhaus Einzenbergerhof, Salisburgo, Austria

1998 "Sandro Scarmiglia" ( cureted by Teresa Zambrotta), Galleria "Centro Luigi di Sarro", Roma

2001 "Oltremare" art instalment c/o Massardi-Secci Studio, Roma

2019 "Mud Mood" (curated by Velia Littera) Pavart art Gallery,Roma

2019 " Mud Mood da Jos" giardini di Jos, Blera (VT)


1989 " le 25 ore" Milan,

1992 "Messagi" Galleria in Trastevere, Rome

         "Cantieri", Palazzo Valentini, Rome

          "Cantieri2" galleria C.R.A.C., Rome

1993   "Rivota e Creazione" Villa Florio, Grottaferrata, Rome

           " Rivolta e Creazione" Cantine del Piccolo Gallery, Rome

           "Magazzini" Galleria C.R.A.C, Rome

1995 " Bilder und Skulpturem" Italian Exibition, Pro Arte Gallery Hallen, Austria

1996 "20 Artists" Palazzo Farnese, Ortona (Pescara)

1997 "Alba" (Curated by Patrizia Ferri) palazzo Ducale, Camerino, Macerata

1998 "Arte orafa e Arte Contemporanea a Confronto", Curated by C. Sorrentino and Paolo de Medici,                 SALA 1 ,Rome

         "Venti di Artista", curated by CSorrentino and P. de Medici,Glida on the Beach, Fregene ,Rome

         "Diramazioni", Curated by Barbara Tosi,in collaboation with the artist Center L.di Sarro,Tuscania                municipality (VT)

1999 "Art-Rebirthing" Live Art Events, Graziabo Visconti,(PC)

         "L'arte contemporanea per nuovi approdi costruttivi" curated by B.Martuscello, comune di Candela            (FG)

          "Corpo di Guardia" curated by Paolo Balas, Bazzano (BO)

2003 "Fons Vitae" curated by E.Paloscia, Pitigliano (GR)

         "Fons Vitae" curated by E.Paloscia, Natural reserv of Decima Malafede, Rome

2018 "Artisti a Palazzo" Palazzo Lattanzi, Blera (VT)

2019 "30 Artisti a Palazzo" Palazzo Lattanzi,Blera (VT)

         " Homing 12 Nidi d'autore" curated by Carlo Gori and Velia Littera, teatro Vascello and Pavart Art               Gallery, Rome

2020 "Segno di Artisti-Poeti di scena" curated by B.Amalfitano and L.Lupi,Scuderie Aldobrandini, Frascati






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