Eleonora Valeri
Eleonora Valeri is a sculptress and digital artist.
Data and contact details


Eleonora Valeri was born in Rome.

she’s graduated in Sculpture at Carrara’s Academy of Fine Arts

and in Multimedia Arts at Rome’s Academy of Fine Arts

she mostly works with glass, photography, digital art and mixed media


Collective exhibitions participation

                        1992 "Officina", Hotel Moneglia, Moneglia , Genova (Italy)

                        1994 "All’ombra delle Apuane" Palazzo Ducale di Massa (Italy)

                        1995 "Artisti in pedana" Electronic Art Café-Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Roma (Italy)

                        1996 “Estate romana”  Piazza Vittorio Emanuele, Roma (Italy)

                        1997 e 1998 Galleria Artescona, Ascona, (Switzerland)

    1998 "Skulpturen" Galleria Demenga, Basilea, (Switzerland)

                        1998 Nuove socie D.U.N.A., Calcata (Italy)

    1999 Fondazione Varini, Orselina, (Switzerland)

    From 2002 to 2008 Galleria Regina, Murano (Italy)

    2003 “Glass in histotical light”, Horn Castle, (Netherland)

    2005 Teatro Tor di Nona, Roma (Italy)

      2005 "Grigiori", Galleria Officina, Magliaso, (Switzerland)

                        2007 V  Biennale del Libro d’Artista di Cassino, Cassino (Italy)

                        2007 e 2008  Galleria La Nuvola, Roma (Italy)

                        2008 Galleria L’Acquario, Roma (Italy)

    2008 “Arte nella Natura”, Villa Torlonia, Roma (Italy)

    2008 Galleria Vittoria, Roma (Italy)

    2008 Maritim Hotel, Bald Salzuflen (Germany)

                        2009 Galerie Foyer en scene, Porta Westfalica (Germany)

                        2009 “Oltre le mura”, Centro studi Cappella Orsini, Roma (Italy)

                        2009 “Foto x 1000”, Galleria sala 1, VIII Festival internazionale della fotografia di Roma (Italy)

    2009 “Punti di vista”, galleria Gard, Roma (Italy)                                 

                         2009/2010 “Che palle” Galleria Horti Lamiani, Roma (Italy)

                        2010 Galleria L’Acquario, Roma (Italy)

                        2010 “Arte e parole”, Galleria Gard, Roma (Italy)

                        2010 “Sensibilmente Roma”, Acquario Romano, Roma (Italy)

                        2011 Galleria L’Acquario, Roma (Italy)

                        2011 “Naturale artificiale”, Fonderia delle Arti, Roma (Italy)

                        2015 “Fili di donne”, Chiesa sconsacrata di Santa Maria, Fiano Romano, (Italy)

                        2017 “Verre a vivre”, Vitromusee, Romont (Switzerland)

                        2018 “2D/3D=5D”, Galleria ArtSharing, Roma (Italy)

                        2018 “Materia nell’aria”, Casale Fendi, Roma (Italy)

                        2018 “Medioevo oggi”, Narni, (Italy)

                        2018 Presso la Biblioteca del Parco del Pineto, Roma (Italy)

                        2018 “Materia Operosa”, Arancera di san Sisto, Roma (Italy)

                        2018-19 “L’arte vola a Tor di Nona”, Zanon Gallery, Roma (Italy)

                        2019 “Architettura e natura”, San Venanzo (Italy)

                        2019 “Hot glass”, The Arts Commission, Toledo (U.S.A.)

                        2022 “Earth, sea and sky”, online exhibition, curated by the Contemporary Glass Society

                        2022 “Il vuoto”, Magazzini del sale, Venezia (Italy)

                        2022 “Coesione, acqua e vita”, Acquario romano, Roma (Italy)

                        2022 “Acqua e vita”, Centro culturale egiziano, Roma (Italy)

                        2023 “Kasthalia Acqua Vita”, Palazzo Rospigliosi, Zagarolo (Italy)

                        2024 “Picta”, Palazzo Pretorio, Terra del Sole (Italy)



Solo exhibitions


                        1998 Palazzo Mercurio-UBS, Chiasso, (Switzerland)

1998 Ex Municipio di Castagnola, Lugano, (Switzerland)

1998 Galleria al Vicolo, Roma (Italy)

    2004 Casa Anziani del Comune di Bellinzona, (Switzerland)

    2009 Galleria L’Acquario, Roma (Italy)

    2019-‘20 Online exhibition: “Fotodinamismo digitale”,

    2021 Rome Art Week, open studio, Roma (Italy)



                        2013 “Sovraccarico 14”, Campo Boario, Fine Art Academy, Roma (Italy)



Public Collections


                        MACRO Museum, Roma (Italy)         

                        Fondazione Varini, Orselina,Svizzera (Italy)

    Stained glasses of the Oratorio dell'Annunziata,Camorino, (Switzerland)

    Stained glasses of the S. Lorenzo's Church, Sobrio, (Switzerland) 

    Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, New York (U.S.A.)    


Awards received


1998 Mosaic selection and production within the Arte-Metro-Roma competition, Rome’s Subway (Italy)       

2006 New Glass Review Selection e publication of the chosen work cured by the Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, (U.S.A.)

2009 “Jutta Cuny Franz Award”, selection and publication of an artwork on the New Glass magazine curated by Kunst Palast Museum of Dusseldorf (D)

2019 “Hot glass” selected artwork, The Arts Commission, Toledo (USA)




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