Multifaceted, eclectic artist, daughter of art, signature in beautiful art and fashion. She develops her style with a mix of human canon illustrations and graffiti, always in constant search, she shows great interest in the depths of the feminine universe
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Active creative in the midst of both mentions of fine art I create in parallel with paintings, Urban art, the feeling of the city, etc. wearable art, costume, prêt a porter, contemporary fashion lines. I consider that it is never enough to try different techniques and materials in constant research and free development.

And I would never stop working and creating to express my artistic imagination through illustration, paintings, matter, graffiti, sculpture, modeling. and much more.. .

I feel strongly influenced by my life experiences from childhood, from my family environment, from travels, from my sculptor mother, from my singing father, from fashion designer grandmothers, from a Latin American country and a large chaotic and underground capital city and the its strong American influence. In contrast to a painting school for young people and a master classical Spanish painter Juanfer Canet tries to forget me but I take what I needed and continue my research.

I come to Rome to study fashion for another year at an important academy and my strength and desire to create becomes stronger.

And so cautivada from the urban scene of the capital, Caracas, hip hop, colors, graffiti, fashion, beauty, active wear, grew up in a metropolis with a crazy climate, I graduated from the school of fashion design and also the school of plastic arts, a volcano of creativity and many emotions, I begin to create convents that e

Active creative in the midst of both mentions of fine art I create in parallel with paintings, Urban art, the feeling of the city, etc. wearable art, costume, prêt a porter, contemporary fashion lines. I consider that it is never enough to try different techniques and materials in constant research and free development.




And I would never stop working and creating to express my artistic imagination through illustration, paintings, matter, graffiti, sculpture, modeling. and much more.. .








I feel strongly influenced by my life experiences from childhood, from my family environment, from travels, from my sculptor mother, from my singing father, from fashion designer grandmothers, from a Latin American country and a large chaotic and underground capital city and the its strong American influence. In contrast to a painting school for young people and a master classical Spanish painter Juanfer Canet tries to forget me but I take what I needed and continue my research.




I come to Rome to study fashion for another year at an important academy and my strength and desire to create becomes stronger.




And so catived from the urban scene of the capital, Caracas, hip hop, colors, graffiti, fashion, beauty, active wear, grew up in a metropolis with a crazy climate, I graduated from the school of fashion design and also the school of plastic arts, a volcano of creativity and many emotions, I begin to create convents that e

xpress my feelings.


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