Alessandro Arrigo, is a graphic designer and illustrator based in Roma (Italy). Previously senior designer at some advertising agency, now he works as an independent designer, illustrator and consultant. With a background in fine art he balances graphic design integrate with a touch of humour. He currently work with musicians and writers for the covers of their works. Some of his drawings become lamps and furni- shing for some Hotel in Roma. He made personal and collective art exhibitions in Italy and abroad: Salón internacional de Arte Contemporáneo in Melilla, MACRO- Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome, Les Rencontres d’Arles in Arles, Castel dell’Ovo in Naples, Miami New Media Festival at Doral Contempo- rary Art Museum. He’s just created the illustrations for POP TEN, a new book by Andrea Pugliese recently published by Lozzi Editori in Italy.
Alessandro Arrigo
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