Luca Ximenes (Desx)
Italian artist born in L’Aquila in 1976, he lives and works in Rome.He expresses himself mainly through oil painting and muralism
Data and contact details

Italian artist born in L’Aquila in 1976, he lives and works in Rome.

He expresses himself mainly through oil painting and muralism, his pictorial style combines elements ranging from classical figurative togestural in the creation of works of a symbolic and surreal nature.

Active in the underground cultural scene since the early 90s, since 2011 he has intensified his artistic activity by starting to create and exhibit hisworks in public spaces.

With his murals and live paintings he has taken part in numerous Street Art festivals and events organized both by public bodies and by associations and private entities.

Some of his works have been reviewed by the major websites dedicated to Street-Art and by both national and international press.

His works on canvas have been presented through personal and collective exhibitions.

From 2014 to 2016 he was the promoter and organizer of the Re_Acto fest, a Street Art and urban culture exhibition in his hometown.

Solo exhibition

“Protect your heart”, Spazio espositivo Z.A.P., Firenze 2019

“Black Dahlia” Spazio espositivo Ju Tattoo, L'Aquila 2018


Collective exhibition

“Stay Free!! Artwork” Mostra Collettiva , Polarville, L’Aquila 2018

“Urban reaction figure” Collettiva di Street Art, Macro, curata da Acronimo, Roma 2017

“Urban area , a scena aperta” curata da aDna project, Ostia 2016

“Insecta”Rampa Prenestina, Roma 2015

“Pena Capitale” collettiva per il Crack festival curata da aDna project, Roma

“Miracloj” Mercantia Poster art exhibition, curata da Stelleconfuse, Certaldo (Fi) 2014

“Art Carteria Festival”, curata da aDna project, Modena 2014

“Architetti in Arte”, Castello Carlo V, Lecce 2012


Murales e livepaintings :


“Local art Walls”, Urban art festival, Certaldo (Fi); “Gau, galleria di arte urbana Centocelle” , Roma; “Lo Maggio fest”, livepainting L’Aquila; “25 Aprile “, livepainting L’Aquila; “Decay” mural with Global Street Art, London; “Iena Likens” mural in Berlin; “Caballince Iberica” mural in Barcelona; “Frantic Fest” decorazioni festival metal.Francavilla (PE); “Radici Festival 2018” Livepainting, Capitignano (Aq)


“Mai più violenza sulle donne” con Amnesty international sez. Roma; “Ophelia “ Revisioni festival, Roma; “Murale per la libertà di stampa dedicato al giornalista turco Can Dundar” con Amnesty International Italia; “The Bully Satyr and the Justice Nimph”, Milano; “Gau, galleria di arte urbana Centocelle” Contemporaneamente 2017, Roma;     “Live painting Pink Floyd” Radio Rock+Tlon , Roma


“Re-Visioni festival”, Massimina , Roma; “An evening at the park” Massimina, Roma; “Re_Acto fest – Effimera edition”. L'Aquila


“UpFest”, Bristol (UK); “Youth Market Urban Art festival”, mercato appagliatore, Ostia; “Festival UniDiversità”, Università dell’Aquila , L’Aquila; “Strati festival”, Pizzo Calabro; “Surrealism on the street project”, Roma; “Re-Visioni festival”, Roma; “SOS scuola”, Pagliare di Sassa , L’Aquila,“Restart, festival della creatività antimafia e dei diritti”Ass.daSud, Casa del Jazz, Roma; “Tracce Temporanee”, Roma, “Stay Free vol.10”, L’Aquila


“Calafrika festival”, Ass. Migrazione, Pianopoli (Cz); Livepainting, San Francesco Pelago (Fi); “…E che varietà”, livepainting, L’Aquila; “Local art Walls”, Consulta giovani Certaldo, Certaldo (FI); “Writers Under Stone” San Massimo (Te); “SinistroFest”, Cerreto Guidi (Fi); “Re_Acto Fest”, L’Aquila


“Mura Mura Fest”, Ass. Radici, Pizzo Calabro (Vv); “Sand Sea and Spray festival”, Blackpool,UK; “UpFest”, Bristol, UK; “Provocazioni festival”, Ass. Cromedrop family, Roma; “Calafrika festival”, Ass. Migrazione, Pianopoli (Cz); “La Poesia manifesta”, Ass. Itinerari Armonici , L’Aquila


“Stay Free!! Fest”, Ass. Hata Ciudad con 99 City Rockers, L’Aquila


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