Roberto Vignoli, architectural and artistic photographer, with a professional studio for portraits, has been working for some of the most important photo agencies like Image Bank, Action Press, Granata Press, MaxPPP, Grazia Neri and Luz. He has been working for "L'Espresso", a weekly italian magazine, in the photographic office, for 12 years. He had exposed his pictures in more than one hundred exhibitions in Italy, France, Germany, Hungary, Turkey, Argentina, Cuba, Usa and Australia. He is on Wikipedia, English and Italian version. He has been teaching Architectural photography in the Centro Sperimentale di Fotografia and collaborate for the daily newspaper “La Ragione”.
Roberto Vignoli
"Fighters" 2016-2017 – Rome (Italy), Museo Etnografico “L. Pigorini” (Indian Roots- Ucwalmicw e Nqatqua, Malecon , Sioux portraits panorama), curated by Loretta Paderni, presented by Marty Two Bulls, descendant of the great chief Sioux Crazy Horse.
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