Davide Gualtieri
Data and contact details

The vision of bodies in action, of shots of the stage space, of points in focus and background points, has found space not only in theatrical direction, but also in photography.

I am fascinated by the movement that creates blurred, elongated, diaphanous, indefinite, poetic human figures. Like the actor's body, the camera is the precious tool, the link between my imagination and the creation of an artistic form that is exposed to the world.

Nothing is too defined, but everything is definable. My desire is to create a relationship between the work and its witness. Don't explain, don't illustrate.

Create wide spaces for imagination, for interpretation.

Make every user feel alive, fully satisfied to participate in the life of the image.

My need is to transform the work of art into another work.

Go into detail and be amazed at the new shapes that appear to the eye.

My action is performative, the machine is manual, the parameters are continually to be modified; a creative flow overwhelms me, I am in motion, I change and change my point of view again. My pleasure is not in refining a technique but in exploring a poetic. I stage what I cannot photograph and I photograph what I cannot stage.



- Publish 24 shots taken at MACRO ASILO on the site of the museum itself:


- It is selected for “Connessioni”, collective photography, at Foto Studio of Rome.

- He is among the 37 photographers selected for the competition “L'emozione di vedersi” Fondazione Banca degli Occhi del Veneto onlus.

- Publish two photographs in the catalog dedicated to the artist Franco Lo Svizzero, Bordeaux Edizioni.

- He exhibits in a collective exhibition at the Caffè Letterario of Rome four photographs on the theme of Narcissus.

- He comes second at the contest “La Pietra e L'Acqua” at the Museo dell'Orto Botanico di Roma.

- He exhibits at the collective exhibition "Attraverso L'Immagine" at Art Forum Wurth Capena.

- Participates, in collaboration with the artist Lalula Vivenzi, with a photograph a MANIFESTO - ICONOGRAFIE DELL’INDIPENDENZA a project carried out by NESXT in partnership with MERCATO CENTRALE TORINO e SPAZIO Y.

- He exhibits at the collective exhibition "Luci di Natale 2019", at Palazzo della Cancelleria Vaticana, Rome.

- He exhibits two photos at the collective exhibition, "In che lavoro siamo?" in partnership with ACLI.


- He exhibits at the collective exhibition Sine Die - creativaMente fotografia, promoted by Fondazione OELLE - mediterraneo antico, Aci Castello (CT).

- Post a photo on Eye Photo Magazine, july 2020.

- Post a photo on Artists Magazine september 2020.

- Become part, with a photograph, of the private collection of MAAM, Museo dell'Altro e dell'Altrove di Metropoliz, Rome.

- He exhibits at the collective exhibition "Lockdown - Sospesi in casa", at GAM - Galleria di Arte Moderna di Catania.

- He is among the finalists of the competition Quotidiano Energia.

- He leads the lesson "The shot and the scene. Theater direction and photography as a transformation of reality" at Sinestetica - galleria d'arte, Roma.

- Some images are published on the blog of the philosopher Enrico Piergiacomi.

- He is among the 20 finalists of the photo contest Amnesty International Lazio.

- He is among the finalists of the competition Fermhamente - Festival della scienza di Fermo 2020.


- Ufficio Buro, Bergamo gallery, chooses a photo as the cover image of the Facebook profile for a month.

- Take part in the April issue of FEM - Fine Eye Photo Magazine with a snapshot.

- He exhibits at the collective organized by Fototeca Siracusana, Siracusa.

- Join, with some shots inspired by the theory of the Third Landscape, of VIVAROMA, GUIDA DI ROMA VERDE, promoted by Triangolo Scaleno Teatro.

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