Anna Vittoria Cossari
Data and contact details

Anna Vittoria Cossari (Chiaravalle, 05/09/1989)After obtaining the Diploma at the Liceo Artistico of Catanzaro Architecture, he obtained the 1st level Academic Diploma in Painting address restoration at the Academy of Fine Arts "FIDIA" in Vibo Valencia currently attending the second year of specialization for the achievement of the 2nd level Academic Diploma in SCULPTURE at the Academy of Fine Arts of Catanzaro. He has participated in several events and group exhibitions including: 2014 "Forme e segni III Edizione", collective exhibition at Villa Margherita, Catanzaro; 2017 Selected by Prof. Alex Pinna to participate in the international "Edgardo Mannucci" Award in Arcevia (AN). In 2018 he was selected by prof. Alex Pinna for the collateral workshop at the "Limen" Prize organized by professor and curator Antonia Ciampi in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce of the city of Vibo Valentia. Always selected by prof, .Alex Pinna for the participation in the Premio Delle Arti of Palermo, being among the 10 finalists in the "SCULPTURE" category.

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