Antonella Rotundo
Data and contact details

Antonella Rotundo was born in Catanzaro on 12/29/77.

He lives and works at his studio in Catanzaro. After completing his Academic studies he obtains a four-year Diploma in Painting, a Diploma in Second Level Degree in Visual Arts and Disciplines for the Performing Arts, he also obtains a teaching qualification in Disciplines. pictorial works aimed at the training of teachers. In 2016 he won the Graphic and Scenographic Pictorial Disciplines competition for qualified teachers.

It achieves suitability for the Academic Plastic Ornamental and Decoration teachings, obtains a certificate of competence issued by the Archdiocese of Catanzaro Squillace, obtains appointments as Tutor for events and Workshop "Artists and children". It includes nomination as vice-president of Ass.Kairos. He obtains an artistic director nomination for the "Legámi" event. He receives numerous certificates and plaques of recognition in the artistic and teaching field. Currently he is a lecturer in graphic and scenic pictorial disciplines, teacher in charge of the educational workshops of the MUDAS Diocesan Museum of Sacred Art of Catanzaro Squillace , responsible for the educational services MUDAS.Persegue his aptitude to acquire new knowledge to increase creativity and imagination.Predilige the workshop activities to deepen studies and research in the artisanal experimenting with creations of valuable handmade papers sifted with natural and recycled pulp His research expands through the recovery of disused ancient artifacts, which contribute to the development of projects and works of art, not only for pleasure, but also for a pedagogical and anthropological educational mission.

Today, the mother of three children continues her research in the cultural and social artistic field, thanks to the knowledge acquired for the enjoyment of art works fourteen in the promotion and dissemination of art as an evocative and educational tool.

Of the artist Rotundo there are personal and collective exhibitions at museums, galleries and public bodies, such as: "Poiesi della Materia" curated by Andrea Romoli Barberini at the MUDAS of CZ SQ. "Meditations - Art-Faith-Materia" by Lara Hunting at the "Visions Mediterranee" art house.

Group exhibitions: "Shekinah" promoted by the ABA Catanzaro for the extraordinary jubilee of the artists curated by Lara Caccia at the monumental complex of San Giovanni, "E Penelope ... no longer undoing the canvas" by Giorgio Bonomi at the Former Church of Santa Maria della Misericordia in Perugia and many others.

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