Laura della Gatta
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Laura della Gatta

Rome 1967. Graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, Steiner teacher with experience in art therapy, teacher of art in public schools, Laura develops her research using various expressive languages (photography, video, painting, sculpture, music and site-specific performative events, often with public participation). Her attention is focused on communication and the environment. The focus is on the hyper-reality of life, on the awareness or unconsciousness of human action, mediated by language and relationship. To metamorphose: it's the leitmotiv, the wave in balance between the polarities of reality / otherworldly, nature / artifice, manual skills / technology, tradition / innovation. The work is an "in progress" observatory, an intimate biographical meditation. The mediating objects are in common use, sometimes made of natural or textile material, often recovered, to the rediscovery of a universal code.

Laura signs herself Irene Soundrisen in the performances in which she plays pieces composed for Celtic harp.

Laura has participated in numerous important group and solo exhibitions, signing up to 2009 with the name "MATIA" (in duo with Pino Giampà), including:

"ANTHROPOS E KAINOS", Tevere Art Gallery, Rome, edited by M. Rita Bassano Ferretti, 2022; "CADAVERE SQUISITO", performance "Non c'é più polpa per i conciatori, restano solo le cuciture", Tevere Art Gallery, Rome, edited by Barbara Lalle, Barbara Visca, Roberto Cavallini, 2021; "NATURA VIVA - HORTUS CONCLUSUS", promoted by La Ginestra and Interno 14 next, edited by Roberta Melasecca and Elvio Moretti, Acqualagna (PU), 2021; OLTRE, diario di un presunto fallimento", project by Kristien De Neve, with Laura della Gatta and Salvatore Travascio, edied by Benedetta Dosa, MACROAsilo Museum, 2019, Rome; "DONNE. CORPO E IMMAGINE TRA SIMBOLO E RIVOLUZIONE" - Galleria d’Arte Moderna, Rome 2019; "SGUARDI DA EST A OVEST", Gli anni 90 in America - Le donne artiste”, edited by Ada Lombardi, conference/talk, MACROAsilo Museum, 2019, Rome; "STRADA VESTITA" un'opera d'arte partecipata", site specific laboratory, edited by Ada Lombardi, MACROAsilo Museum, 2019, Rome;"AUTORITRATTO", conference/talk, cwith Ada Lombardi, Carlo Gallerati, Noemi Pittaluga, Sala Cinema, MACROAsilo Museum, 2019, Rome; "EVERYTHING BUT THE ART", edited by Edoardo Di Mauro, Sala Celeste, 2018, Bologna;“FUORI 7” - edited by Serena Silvestrini, Galleria Gallerati, dic, 2016/genn.2017, Rome; “RAW Rome Art WeeK - Open Studio” - First edition 2016, Rome; “ATTACCABOTTONE” - performance in progress, edited by Noemi Pittaluga and Galleria Gallerati, starting 2015, Rome; "INSIEME - MAAM for CITTADELLARTE Fondazione Pistoletto" - Biella, edited by Giorgio de Finis 2015; “EXTENDER SYSTEM – works 2011-2014”, Galleria Gallerati, Rome, 2014/2015, edited by Noemi Pittaluga; “SPAZIO Y”, Rome, 2014 ; "NON C'E' PIU' POLPA PER I CONCIATORI", site specific and performative practise, MAAM Metropoliz Museum, Rome, 2014, edied by Giorgio de Finis; "EXTENDER SYSTEM : TESSUTO DEL VIAGGIO METROPOLITANO - IN METRO C", performance, Metro C, Parco di Centocelle, with Galleria Gallerati, 2014, Rome; “ARTE IN STUDIO2- ONE YEAR EXHIBITION“, edited by Sarah Palermo with Galleria Gallerati, Studio legale e tributario Savella & Associati, Rome, 2014; “PEZZI UNICI 2”, edited by Noemi Pittaluga. Galleria Gallerati. Rome, 2013, with Galerie Eulenspiegel, Basel, ISO 600 – Festival della Fotografia Istantanea; BAM ON TOUR 2013 CONTEMPORARY PHOTOBOX, NH Lingotto Tech - TURIN, edited by Edoardo di Mauro- art director: Riccardo Ghirardini, 2013; “LEGGI=AMA”, show competition by MAU Museo di Arte urbana, Associazione Galleria Campidoglio, TURIN 2013, (1° class.); “TRA LE LINEE DELLA VITA-Un' opera nel palmo della mano”, Centro Culturale Elsa Morante, Rome, 2012; “ALLAGAMENTI”, Galleria Mascherino, Rome 2004, edited by Barbara Martusciello; “BY BY BABY”, Galleria Gian Carla Zanutti, Milan 2003, edited by Alessandra Galletta;“IPERREALISTI”, Chiostro del Bramante, Rome 2003, edited by G. Mercurio, W. Becker, L.K. Meisel, Gianluca Marziani; “N.Q.C” Palazzo Cedir, Reggio Calabria 2002, edited by G. Marziani (ed.Castelvecchi); “DAL MINI ALLA MINI”, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome 2001, edited byG. Marziani; “FRA CIELO E TERRA”, Pio Monti, Rome 2002, edited by Angelo Capasso; “ANTOLOGICA”, Rome 2002, edited by Ludovico Pratesi; “SUI GENERIS”, P.A.C. Milan 2001 edited by Alessandro Riva, ed.Medusa; “FANTAPOP”, Fondazione Bevilacqua-La Masa, Venice 2000, edited by Virginia Baradel; “L’ARTE A ROMA”, Ex mattatoio, Rome 1997; “REALISMO ITALIANO”, Nordstern, Museum Ludwig,Nordstern, Colonia (D) 1997; “1° PREMIO TREVI FLASH ART MUSEUM”, B.go Trevi 1996, (I° prize); “CORPO NOMADE- Osservatorio singolare”, Città della Pieve (PG) 1996, edited byGabriella Dalesio; “DOVE TI PORTA IL CUORE ?”, Galleria Paola Verrengia, Salerno 1995, edited by Antonio Arevalo.



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