Lorenzo Bruschini
Data and contact details

A graduate in Painting from the Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma in 2007, Lorenzo Bruschini was awarded scholarships to study in Paris at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs (ENSAD) and the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts (ENSBA). In 2008 he engaged in a meaningful correspondence with world famous poet and member of the Collège de France Yves Bonnefoy (1923-2016). To the evocative atmospheres of the poet, he then devoted the experience and works of “Initiation à la poésie“ (Artist Residency, Bedburg-Hau, Germany / Solo Exhibition, Teatro Quirino in Rome, 2009). Back in Italy, he established the Atelier Les Oiseaux Noirs and became one of the artists permanently represented by RvB Arts Gallery / Von Buren Contemporary in Rome. Over the following years he focused his attention on philosophy (Nietzsche and the theme of identity), music and ancient Greek, further pursuing them as a form of creative connection with his international contemporary art projects. Upon his return from France, he held the solo exhibitions "Self-Shaping Drawings" (Maison Gai Saber, 2012) and "Self-Shaping Paintings" (RvB Arts Gallery, 2014). He is the author of the contemporary art project Viaggio a Hierapytna, that marks the beginning of an open research on the four elements (Earth, Water, Fire and Air). Along with the publication of the Artist's Book Scendeva simile alla notte (IanuArte, 2018), the first presentation of the travelling exhibition dedicated to the Hierapytna Project was held at Rome's RvB Arts Gallery. In 2019, the French Academy in Rome commissioned him an environment scale video installation, Utopia, in collaboration with French-Venezuelan writer Miguel Bonnefoy. In 2020 he received the italian PSMSAD Fund Award (acronym for Painters, Sculptors, Musicians, Writers and Dramatic Authors). In 2021, with the patronage of the Embassy of Greece in Rome, of the Municipality of Catanzaro-capital of the Calabria Region and of the Department of the Culture-city of Catanzaro, his solo museum exhibition "Scendeva simile alla notte" was held at the Complesso Monumentale del San Giovanni (Catanzaro, Italy), one of the most important museums in southern Italy. The exhibition, curated by Giuliana Stella, was promoted and organized by the Andrea Cefaly Foundation; the exhibition catalog was edited by De Luca Editori d'Arte.

In 2023, De Luca Editori'd'Arte publishes the limited edition folder entitled "MITOGRAFIE", with poems by Maura Del Serra and drawings by Lorenzo Bruschini, preface by Miguel Bonnefoy. On the occasion of the publication, Von Buren Contemporary in Rome curates a personal exhibition of the artist's drawings and paintings (Mitografie, 20 Aprile-9 Maggio 2023), before the artist leaves for his new project "Voyage à Lascaux".

Solo Exhibitions:

2024 PAN Palazzo delle Arti Napoli

2023 Von Buren Contemporary Roma Italia

2021 Complesso Monumentale del San Giovanni Catanzaro Italia 2019 Giardini dell'Accademia di Francia "Villa Medici" Roma Italia 2018 Galleria RvB Arts Roma Italia 2016 Scuderie Aldobrandini Frascati Italia 2014 Galleria RvB Arts Roma Italia 2012 Maison Gai Saber Leigné-sur-Usseau Francia 2009 Teatro Quirino Vittorio Gassman Roma Italia 2009 Galleria Colibri Arte Roma Italia 2009 Galleria Le Opere Roma Italia 2008 Galleria Le Opere Roma Italia 2007 Zen.O Art Gallery Roma Italia 2007 Rialto Sant’Ambrogio Roma Italia 2006 Biblioteca Elsa Morante Roma Italia 2006 Ass. culturale Attività di pensiero Roma Italia 2006 Rialto Sant’Ambrogio Roma Italia

Group Exhibitions:

2023 Von Buren Contemporary, Rome Italy

2022 Art Fair PARIS EXPO 23-25 Settembre - Pavillon 5, represented by MONAT Gallery - Parigi Francia

2022 Galeria Stara Prochownia Varsavia Polonia 2019 Fondazione MAGIS Roma Italia 2019 X Edizione Pagine d'Arte Contemporanea Carnago Italia 2018 TAF (The Art Foundation) Atene Grecia 2018 Museo Civico Archeologico Genna Maria Villanovaforru Italia 2018 Museo MIIT: FuturArte 2018 Torino Italia 2017 Galleria RvB Arts Roma Italia 2016 Pinacoteca Civica di Palazzo Pianetti Jesi Italia 2016 Galleria RvB Arts Roma Italia 2015 Galleria Rvb Arts Roma Italia 2015 Fokianou 24/7 Atene Grecia 2015 Museo di Palazzo Bisaccioni/Sale Museali Jesi Italia 2014 Galleria Exhibition Art Fano Italia 2014 Bassetti Roma Italia 2013 Galleria RvB Arts Roma Italia 2013 Galleria SMAC Roma Italia 2012 MACRO - The Affordable Art Fair/Stand RvB Arts Roma Italia 2012 Galleria RvB Arts Roma Italia 2012 11 Dreams Art Gallery Tortona Italia 2009 ArtGallerie Fondazione Artèvision Padova Italia 2009 Residenza Artoll Düsseldorf Germania 2009 Galleria Vittoria Roma Italia 2009 Galleria Il Futurista Crotone Italia 2008 Museo Andersen/Galleria Nazionale D’Arte Moderna Roma Italia 2008 Galleria Artetica Roma Italia 2007 Notte Bianca: Galleria Le Opere Roma Italia 2007 Accademia di Belle Arti Roma Italia 2007 Atelier La Lucciola Palermo Italia 2007 Galleria Artetica Roma Italia 2006 Facoltà di Architettura Ludovico Quaroni Roma Italia 2006 Galleria Artetica Roma Italia 2005 Galleria Artetica Roma Italia 2005 Museo dell’Agro Veientano Formello Italia 2003 Festival di Arte Contemporanea: Villa Sciarra Frascati Italia 2003 Associazione Culturale Raabe Roma Italia 2003 Sale del Bramante Roma Italia 2003 Chiesa di S. Maria del Popolo Roma Italia 2002 Sala dei Papi di Palazzo Altemps Roma Italia

Permanent Collections: Museo Civico di Taverna Italia Fondazione Andrea Cefaly Catanzaro Italia Comune di Catanzaro Fondazione Incontri Internazionali d’Arte Roma Italia Fondazione Mario Maderno Roma Italia Fondazione Artevision Torino Italia Fondazione Banca delle Marche Jesi Italia Maison Gai Saber Leigné-sur-Usseau Francia ArtAmari Residency Kalogeros Grecia


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