Cristina Ricatti
Data and contact details

Cristina was born in Rome in 1979. She showed a penchant for drawing since childhood, but during her youth she gave up artistic address high school and academy, eventually graduating with a degree in Archaeology. During college she had devoted herself to writing, later majoring in publishing, until she realized that it was not with written words that she wanted to tell stories.

So she picked up her pencils and brushes again and began studying fine painting with teacher Giorgia Marzi, who opened the doors to her creativity on canvas. 

She is a figurative painter, seeking to express the full potential of an emotion with chiaroscuro and color contrasts. In her works she pursues the idea of art as a witness to our existence, from everyday life aspects to imperishable feelings. 

She works mainly with oil, but welcomes experimenting with watercolor and acrylic. 

 studio location: Piazza Gian Lorenzo Bernini 10, Rome- email: whatsapp and cell phone: 3397581659

▪︎ Education:

Self-taught since childhood, I then studied for 10 years with master painter Giorgia Marzi (from 2010 to 2020).


▪︎Participation in art awards:

- "City colours", by Artàporter and Lefranc Burgeois, Turin, 26 genuary - 4 february 2023

- Premio Alessandro Parisi, May 14, St. Complesso Museale San Tommaso d'Aquino, Piedimonte Matese (CE)

- 100 Artisti per il Premio Domiziano, June 16-July 11, 2021, Domitian Stadium, Rome.- III Esposizione Arti Visive, November 11-19, 2017, Castello Ducale Orsini, Fiano Romano

▪︎Group exhibitions:

 -100 Pittori di via Margutta, April 28-May 1, 2022, Rome.- 100 Pittori di via Margutta in Piazza di Spagna, November 26-28, 2021, Rome.- 100 Pittori di via Margutta in Frascati, June 28-30, 2019, Frascati, Rome.- Strade d'Arte, IV edition, May 10-12, 2019, Galleria Spazio 40, Rome.-100 Pittori di via Margutta, April 24-28, 2019, Rome.-100 Pittori di via Margutta in Frascati, June 22-24, 2018, Frascati.- Strade d'Arte III edition, June 1-3, Spazio 40 Gallery, Rome.- Ri-Tratti, June 1-3, 2018, group exhibition, Galleria Medina, Rome.

▪︎ Publications:

History of the 100 Painters of Via Margutta (forthcoming).


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