Marco De Rosa
Data and contact details


Marco De rosa was born in Rome the November 9, 1991. He studied Sculpture at RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts, where in 2015 he got his BA and his Master. Between 2012 and 2015 he worked as an assistant in several artist studios, among them Simone Bertugno’s studio. In 2016 he and other young artists opened Spazio In Situ, an Artist-run space in the suburbs of Rome (Tor Bella Monaca). His artistic research is focused on the concept of space and reality, always referring to uselessness, a concept that definitely describes our “perfect” but pointless world. His works are non-ready-made, shifting from photography, to painting to installations.




Personal exhibitions


Work in Progress, Spazio In Situ, Rome (RM), Italy.



Equivoci dell’arte, Una Vetrina, Rome (RM), Italy


Collecltive exhibitions


Chilometro 0, The Gallery Apart, Rome (RM), Italy.



Out of space, Spazio In Situ, Rome (RM), Italy.

Assurdità Contemporanea, Gallery of Art Temple University, Rome (RM), Italy.

Porta e finestra, Spazio In Situ, Rome (RM), Italy.



Deported, Curva pura, Rome (RM), Italy.

In da place, Spazio In Situ, Rome (RM), Italy.

Contemporany art biennali of Mulhouse, Mulhouse, France.



What if?, Spazio In Situ, Rome (RM), Italy.

Placement in CAAM (Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (LPA), Spain.

Contemporary Print European Triennali Estampadura, Toulouse (tls), France.



Partecipation at the prize Catel, Scuderie Aldobrandini, Frascati (RM), Italy.

Tag just young tag, TAG - Tevere Art Gallery, Rome (RM), Italy.

Just young, Spanish Bookshop, Rome (RM), Italy.



Chrome Anatomy - Body Worlds, SET - Tirso Event Space, Rome (RM), Italy.

Torgiano Experience - Argillà, Faenza (RA), Italy.

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