Ugo Piccioni
Data and contact details

Short Bio.

Ugo Piccioni (Foligno, 1975) lives and works in Roma and Umbria. Graduated in philosophy, he has made advanced studies of creative writing, photography and music, skills which come together in his work as a visual artist, contributing to it decisively.


Permanent Expositions: 

CITTADELLARTE - Foundation Michelangelo Pistoletto, Biella (Italy), within the project INSIEME!, curated by Giorgio De Finis (curator of the MAAM, Museum of the Other and the Elsewhere of Metropoliz, Roma), 2015-permanent

Art Fairs: 

International Fair of Modern and Contemporary Art ARTEFIERA, gallery Montoro12 Contemporary Art (Roma), Bologna, Italy, January 2015

Art Weeks

Dance with Life, performance, within the Tallinn Art Week, curated by Andra Orn and Kadri Uus, Tallinn (Estonia), June 17th, 2017

Tower of Babel, group exhibition, Cultural Association TRAleVOLTE, curated by Alessandra Scerrato, within the Rome Art Week, Roma, October 2016

Artist-in-residence Programs

Tra l'imbra e l'ambra, Land Art at Furlo, Casa degli Artisti, curated by Alice Devecchi, Pesaro-Urbino (Italy), August-September 2015 

Solo Shows

Think Aloud, Apollo Solaris, within the Tallinn Art Week, curated by Kadri Uus, Tallinn (Estonia), June-July 2017

Think Aloud, Curva Pura gallery, curated by Andreas Romagnoli and Pasquale Polidori, Roma, April-May 2017

Blindness (written in Braille), church of the Madonna del Pozzo, Project Opus & Light, curated by Studio A'87/Franco Troiani, in collaboration with Palazzo Collicola Arti Visive, Spoleto, May-June 2016

Group Exhibitions:

Simbiosi - Percorsi di libertà II, Open Art, curated by Anna Cochetti, Natural Reserve of Pietraporciana, Siena (Italy), July-September 2017, curated by Pasquale Polidori, project hosted by, curated by Elena Giulia Rossi and Cristian Rizzuti, June-September 2017

Tower of Babel, Macon Gallery, curated by Doron Polak, Tel Aviv, June-August 2017

La fragile bellezza, ARTE CONTEMPORANEA 23, MUDITAC/Majorana, curated by Anna Cochetti, Roma, March-April 2017

Tower of Babel, Centre for Contemporary Art Trebisonda, curated by Danilo Fiorucci, Robert Lang and Lucilla Ragni, Perugia (Italy), Spetember-October 2016

Simbiosi - Frammenti di libertà: percorsi, Open Art, curated by Anna Cochetti, Natural Reserve of Pietraporciana, Siena (Italy), August-September 2016

Lux in progress, ARTE CONTEMPORANEA 22, MUDITAC/Majorana, curated by Anna Cochetti, Roma, April 2016

Tower of Babel, Schema Projects Gallery, curated by Mary Judge, New York, April-May 2016

 In-augur-azione, Varco gallery, l'Aquila (Italy), November 2015-January 2016

Beirut International Art Show, curated by Roula Chreim and Beirut Art World, in collaboration with the United Nations, Beiurt (Lebanon), October 2015

TrY, Y route Trebisonda, Centre for Contemporary Art Trebisonda, curated by Spazio Y and Centre for Contemporary Art Trebisonda, performance from Rome to Perugia and exhibition in Perugia (Italy), October 2015

Portafortuna, Spazio Y, curated by Paolo Assenza, Germano Serafini, Arianna Bonamore, Nicola Rotiroti, Ugo Piccioni, Roma, November 2014-January 2015

Summer Group Show, gallery Montoro12 Contemporary Art, curated by Ursula Hawlitschka, Roma, July-September 2014













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