Biography of Sabrina Faustini aka Sabrì There is the soul of Sabrina Faustini in the canvases that form an artistic path of continuous progress towards a space without limits.
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Sabrì's painting is currently very involved in environmental issues. His relationship with nature and the earth can be found in all his works and is often entrusted to variations of color that is sometimes bright and bright as a form of hope in the beauty of nature, sometimes it becomes leaden thus recalling the current condition of a devastated land. A painting that expresses a need to move to another world, in which the rules are re-established, the rules of a virtuous relationship and in this sense the geometry of his painting should be read. Very often the lines are regular, there are references to the circle according to a geometric order. Neverland becomes a reference to a world that we all dream of, a world where the relationship between man and nature becomes a relationship of reconciliation. Emblematic are those works where ancestral signs and symbols emerge that belong to the childhood of peoples, in line with this ecological painting, the desire to look to the future but with a reference to the origins." Review Prof. Marcello Carlino 
The painter Sabrì has exhibited in several Italian galleries and participated in several awards and Biennials, where her creative career has received several awards:
-2007 - exhibition at the Mondadori event space in VENICE, Piazza S. Marco.
-2008- Group exhibition -Galleria CentroartemodernaPisa (PI)
-2009- Open Art Award - SALA DEL BRAMANTE - ROME 
-2010- Traveling exhibition "THE WALL" in Lithuania 
-2011-Selected for the Tokyo International Award 2011 
-2012-Critics' Prize at the 31st Biennale of Contemporary Art in Alatri- Frosinone (FR)
-2013 - Personal Painting Exhibition as part of the Visual and Contemporary Arts Review - at the Villa Comunale in Frosinone (FR)
-2013-Group show at the ZeroUno Gallery in Barletta - sponsored by the G.DeNittis Foundation 
-2014-Biennial of Contemporary Art Anagni-Frosinone-Critics' Prize 
-2014-Selected by MAEC -ART EXPO 2014 Milan 
-2014-Participation in the FIERA MERCATO - ARTE FORLÌ" Contemporanea - ass. Dark White 
-2015-group exhibition CHIE ART GALLERY MILANO 
-2015- Group exhibition at the Gard Gallery in Rome 
-2016- Biennale Arte Contemporanea Frosinone Anagni Critics' Award 
-2016-Collective exhibition at "Casa delle donne" - Rome - Soqquadro association 
-2016-selected at the competition "Donne in Rinascente" at Galleria Passpartout -MILAN 
-2016- Group exhibition "Arte Borgo Galleria" Rome 
-2016-Group exhibition "MELOGRANO ART GALLERY – LIVORNO (LI)
-2016-personal painting exhibition at the Alatrium Gallery - Alatri (FR)
-2017-Selected for RIARTECO 13° - international traveling exhibition of works made with waste materials
March Villa Rendano Cosenza - April City of the other economy Rome -April Palazzo Gradari Pesaro -May Palazzo Patrizzi Siena (SI)- May Palazzo Tursi Genoa (GE) -
June Berio Library Genoa (GE) - June Fabbrica del Vapore Milan - 
-2017-International Art Prize "Nothing But Art" -Palazzo Velli - ROME 
-2017-Selected for the triennial exhibition "Female Dialogues" at the Arte Borgo Gallery - ROME
-2018 International Traveling Exhibition RIARTECO 2018 - Stock Exchange Palace of MESSINA (ME) - Ladispoli Rome - Medici Fortress in Siena (SI)-Bottini dell' olio Library Livorno (LI)-Tursi Palace Genoa (GE)
-2018- Frosinone Art Biennale -Anagni - Critics' Award 
-2018-Personal painting exhibition Chiostro S.Agostino -Veroli (FR)
-2018 -participation in the Rome Art Week 2020
-2019- RIARTECO 2019 traveling exhibition Siena 
-2019- collective exhibition DONNE at "Melograno Art Gallery" LIVORNO 
-2019- Collective exhibition Women today ass. GARD FLORENCE 
-2019- Group exhibition SC-ART GALLERY ROME 
-2019 - Group exhibition ARTEMENTE VICENZA GALLERY 
-2020-Group exhibition "Points of view" MACOS MESSINA Gallery 
-2020 - selected for the Catalogue "Itinerari d'Arte FROSINONE"
-2020-Group exhibition "My Mona Lisa" at GALLERIA SPAZIO 40 RM


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