Paolo Cristofoletti
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Paolo Cristofoletti was born in 1971 in Rome With scientific education (lecturer in mathematics, physics and science who teaches at international governement institutions) he is an autodidact with natural deep passion for drawing, painting and illustration He draws and paints images that blend his emotional universe into a surrealist landscapes, as he say in a sort of "Silence of the Talking Colored Forms" He attended courses and seminars at Académie La Grande-Chaumiere in Paris and Accademia di Belle Arti di Macerata ‘Ars in Fabula’, creating personal and collective exhibitions in Italy and overseas His works are collected and exhibited in Roma, Bolzano, Paris, London, Johannesburg, New York, Amman e Dubai He lives between Roma and Paris His works are carefully created, drawn and painted only 'by hand', using différent techniques and materials

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