Monica Argentino
She is a multifaceted artist who works with different artistic mediums, painting, video art, performance and body art
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Monica Argentino was born in Rome. She is a brilliant, eclectic and complete artist: painter, human painter, video artist, performer. Self made talented designer and painter, she developed her studies as illustrator and graphic designer. Her works are shown in several galleries and artistic location, pointing most on a peculiar quality and attention centering the most on colors. Her works center especially on human body and it’s transformation. This fil rouge returns in her artistic research trough continue exploring and experimenting, that she express on her performances, body art works, body paintings, and pictures, mixing often each form into the other. On paintings, her inspiration is feed by her interest for the dualism body/soul, and the double nature of human beings. She wants to represent the body free from beauty cliches, symbolizing the continue emotive and corporal changing between matter and soul.

"Body to Art Project" – PERFORMANCE HUMAN ART

“Body to Art" is an artistic project by Monica Argentino, where the human body is used as a canvas on which to express her own sensitivity and creativity. The body as a subject and object points to a complete and maximized artistic expression. The artistic project consists in painting naked bodies of models but also "normal" people bodies, with common aesthetic canons, to provoke immediate reactions and intense emotions, which experiences both the artist and the painted people and, obviously, the public. Gestures, sounds and colors merge to give life to an exciting scenario between images and imaginary, entirely performing live under the eyes of the public.

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