Emanuele Vergari
Data and contact details

Emanuele Vergari



Hi everybody.

I introduce myself :

my name  is Emanuele Vergari   and I was  born on the  8 of august of  1981, and by profession I have been a pharmacist for years  but my real passion is making photos ! In fact I practiced photography  since I was a child, getting a lot of satisfaction as I won numerous national competitions  with both digital and analog photos, with prints made by myself in the well known Darkroom, now  almost forgotten by everyone.

I have many publications  in national magazines, such as  CD covers, photo books and several other topics.I realized  personal exhibitions  all over Italy, always  receiving admiration and sometimes  a sort of incredulity, in consideration of  my early age.Now, as for most photographers, I work in digital technique  and I do things that others do not, as well as they do things  that I don’t : everything  is only a matter of  taste.I have a remarkable knowledge in  the photographic field, having read  more than 2000 books and experimented and experimented  almost incessantly.Here is a little hint  to explain my "path" : having the right knowledge  and then try and try, make different experiments  and experiences, as long as to make it mine.My  disposition  is extrovert, honest, helpful  and altruist (too much perhaps):  I believe in friendship and in the good faith of people,  even though too many times I go wrong ... but ...I do not give up  :-)


I deal with: * Live Concerts;* Events Of Any Kind;* Photo Book;* CD Covers;* Work in Studio;* Reportage;* Style Weddings "Reportage"


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