Marvin Crushler
Data and contact details

Ryan Spring Dooley born in 1977 in the city of Madison, Wisconsin, USA.

Raised in an artists community together with his mother, a painter and modern dancer. Attends the faculty of fine arts at the Universtiy of Minnesota working on a project of ‘total art’, where every genere contaminates those around it : music , painting , history , photography , ceramics , sculpture,video, graffiti. Graduates in 1999, after an intense experience of study abroad at the Università degli studi di Pavia , in Northern Italy, in Pavia he had the pleasure of not only further defining his own project but also collaborating with yet another dimension in the theatre, working in Italy with Peter Schuman and the Bread and Puppets theatre. After graduatine Ryan

spends many years travelling in Europe, stopping for long periods in Paris, Madrid, and Lisbon.

In France the first dialouges with the streets are born, in Paris he develops a series of interventions using recycled cloth and paper that could now be termed ‘street art.’

On his return to the United States he is pushed ever more towards this type of intervention working with graffiti writers and participating in numerous events that requie an alter ego, thus Marvin Crushler is born, a name used to house the street side of his production.

In the year 2000, fed up with violence of American cities, decides to establish himself in Italy, living between the countryside Pavese and Milan : Life in this little reality, compared to the dehumanizing spaces of the American metropolis, convinces him of the importance of communicating alternatives and producing a local voice measured not by the streets but the people in them ,an attempt to create a healthy truth about many systems and their application . In this period he develops a style using a wide array of means to paint the town. His approarch to wall painting is related highly to traditional painting, but bleeds into every youthfull experience of ‘total art’ and vagabond exploring, brushes, cans, sculpture, paste ups, draw and express, anything you have in hand, head or backpack. These years of research are fermented with the participation in numerous jams, shows and commissions in different countries, cultures and contexts, perfect oppurtunities to confront ones ‘total art’ with the total.



Galleria E20, Pescara, Italy

2016Constellation, Civico 16 Gallery, Pescara, Italy.Grace and Chaos, Formaprima Gallery, Pavia, Italy.Little Pony show, Archeogallery, Naples, Italy.Installation station, Celacanto, Puglia, Italy.

2015Poster show, Jolly Roger, Rome, Italy.Mostra Personale e live painting, Dom, Rome, Italy.

2014Little Horse,(installation and performance) Charlotte Gallery, Paris.Hang Dry, Studio Sedicinoni, Naples, Italy.Oblomova Gallery, Naples, Italy.

2013The Suitcase, Idrawalot Gallery, Berlin, Germany.Dance Dance Dance, Galleria Punto, Naples, Italy.

2011Mostra Personale, ISI Arti Associate, Naples, ItalyPerformance and video art installation, Chiesa di San Pietro a Maiella, Naples, Italy.

2009Finish me, Galleria Fragile Continuo, Bologna, Italy.

2008Shine, Galleria Apres Midi, Milan, Italy.

2007Color Me, Biokip Gallery, Milan, Italy

2006 Mostra Personale, Sottovento, Pavia, Italy.

2005Street Sketches, Williamsburg Limits, New York, USA.Mostra Personale, Sottovento, Pavia, Italy.


2016BNL media art festival, Maxxi, Roma.City after the city, treinnale, Milan, Italy

2015Biennale di Penne, Pescara, Italy.

2014Herculaneum street art festival, Ercolano, Italy

2012Urto,PAN, Naples, Italy.Citybuilder, Dresden, Germany.

2011Re-editions show, Supalife2, Berlin, Germany.Rassegna di videoarte, Teatro delle Muse, Ancona, Italy.Pop up, Ancona, Italy2009"Muralismo Morte", Motorenhalle, Dresden, Germany"Urban Affair" Berlin. Germany.“Go get your shine box”. Brooklynite Gallery, New York, USA."Stroke 01", street-art fair, Munich. Germany.

2010Violenze Invisibili, Macro, Rome, Italy

2008“junkbuilding”, Triennale Bovisa, Milano

2007“Il Sospetto” Galleria Biokip, Milan, Italy.


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