Antonio La Colla
Data and contact details

Graduated in Architecture, he approached the art world as a child, studying classical authors, but preferring contemporary art and experimentation. From his creations we can see the approach to the world of architecture, the clear lines, the always defined contours, the pure colors, the "synthesis" of the image that represents a natural open space, boundless, but with a horizon line always well defined. The favorite technique is that of acrylic with the inclusion of gilding, homogeneous colors therefore, which often tend to mirror the observer, easily "hypnotized" by them. In 2003 he was invited to the 4th Salon International des "Rencontres Picturales de Paris" and he successfully participated in the traveling exhibition L'Echange, with works by Italian-French artists. His paintings have participated in numerous exhibitions and are found in private collections in Italy and abroad. Expert in photography and winner of numerous awards, he designs and creates design objects and has to his credit several experiences of theatrical scenography. He studied contrabass at the Conservatory of Music Bellini, also restoring musical instruments and making soundtracks for exhibitions and shows.

It is present in the number 45 of the Mondadori Modern Art Catalog.



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