Francesco Di Tillo
Data and contact details

Born in Italy in 1984Lives and works between Bologna and São Paulo (Brazil)

Education2008 M.A., Economy of Culture, Tor Vergata University, Rome, Italy 2007 B.A., Fine Arts, Bologna Accademy of Fine Arts, Bologna, Italy2006 B.A., Erasmus Project, Universität der Künste (UDK), Berlin, Germany

Solo exhibitions2014Monumento ai Caduti, at Muséé de l'OHM, Medieval Museum of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, curated by Carmen LorenzettiAnomos, Ponto Aurora, São Paulo, Brazil2013Falecimentos, Programa Nova Fotografia 2013, Museu da Imagem e do Som (MIS), curated by Mariana Lorenzi, São Paulo, Brazil2011Death Brokering -OpenMike, 16BeaverGroup, New York2009Another Gap in the Wall, Gum Studio, Carrara, Italy, curated by Gaia Pasi2008Personal Training, OpenLab Gallery, Genoa, ItalyAnalisi 1, Galleria 64, Baricella, Italy, curated by N. Ciaccia

Group Exhibitions2018

Apulia Land Art Festival, Alberobello, curated by Carmelo CiprianiNoPlace#4, Santo Stefano di Magra, Italy2017After Festival - Moving Bodies and Live Art Festival Turin, Teatro Espace, Turin, curated by Francesca Arri e Ambra G. BergamascoTerrace, Teatro Comunale, Bologna, Italy20141° Mostra de Artes do Condô, Condôminio Cultural, São Paulo, BrazilCorte Preliminar, Galeria Recorte, São Paulo, Brazil, curated by Lucas Ribeiro and Julie DumontExposição PIESP 2013-2014, Casa do Povo, São Paulo, Brazil, curated by Tomás ToledoTaipa-tapume, Galeria Leme, São Paulo, Brazil, curated by Tomás Toledo2013Oração, Multimidia em Foco at 9º Paraty em Foco, Paraty, Brazil.Aurora:, Ponto Aurora, São Paulo, Brazil, curated by Claudia Afonso and Camila Fialho Surprise 397, Atelier 397, São Paulo, Brazil2012Hic et Nunc, PARTE Contemporary Art Fair, Paço das Artes, São Paulo, BrazilStracrepaccio Paradise, Il Crepaccio, Milan, Italy, curated by Marcello MalobertiArtes e Ofícios 1, Liceu de Artes e Ofícios, São Paulo, BrazilLaço, Paço Das Artes, São Paulo, BrazilCidades Contínuas – Prólogo, Condomínio Cultural, São Paulo, Brazil, curated by Coletivo Parênteses 2011Death Brokering. A memorial, video screening at ZOOM Festival, Teatro Studio, Scandicci, Italy, curated by Giancarlo Cauteruccio e Pietro GaglianòProve Generali, performance for MADEINFILANDIA 2011, Pieve a Presciano, Italy. CatalogueOpen Space 1 – La dimensione umana del contemporaneo, VII Giornata del Contemporaneo (AMACI), National Gallery of Cosenza, Italy, curated by Fabio de Chirico, Carmelo Cipriani, Giovanni Viceconte. CatalogueThe Wall, Nosadelladue, Bologna, Italy, curated by Pietro GaglianòThe Wall, ReloadRoma, Italy, curated by Pietro Gaglianò2010Relational Landscape, Palazzo Re Enzo, Bologna, Italy, curated by Lelio Aiello and with Bianco-ValenteVideodrome, Fabbrica delle Candele, Forlì, Italy, curated by Rosalba Paiano. CatalogueThe Difference, Minganti Center, Bit Art Gallery London, Bologna, Italy, collateral exhibition of Arte Fiera-Art First, curated by Piero Deggiovanni. Catalogue 2009Networking 09–Back to the Present, Palazzo Chianini-Vincenzi, Arezzo, Italy, curated by Elisa Del Prete. CatalogueOne, One and Crack, Festival IO Project, Macchiagodena, Italy, curated by Agapito Di PillaVideoArtYearBook 09, Chiostro Santa Cristina, Bologna, Italy, curated by Renato Barilli, Alessandra Borgogelli, Silvia Grandi, Fabiola Naldi, Paolo GranataBack To Front, Via Brunetti Project Space, Rome, Italy, curated by Gaia PasiPlayground, Lugano, Switzerland, curated by M. Bertozzi. CatalogueGeneratiOn80, Palazzo del Tribunale di Pistoia, Italy, curated by N. Bonechi e G. Tosi. CatalogueGeneratiOn80, Galleria ModenArte, Venezia, Italy, collateral exhibition of 53° Venice Biennal, curated by N. Bonechi, G. Tosi. Catalogue200810/09/08, Proposte XXIII, Accademy of Fine Arts of Turin, Turin, Italy, curated by a.titolo. Catalogue2007Colossi Nascosti - Festival Iceberg, TamaTete Gallery, Bologna, Italy, selection curated by Roberto Daolio, Gianfranco Maraniello, Gino Giannuizzi. Catalogue.Specchio non mente, Domus Contemporary Art Gallery, Rome, Italy, curated by Antonietta Campilongo, Pier Maurizio Greco. CatalogueNuovi, Bertolt Brecht Cultural Center, Milan, Italy2006Contraction, Galerie Danziker, Berlin, GermanyNeue Werke, UDK Berlin, GermanyEpi-demia, at Palazzo Nuovo, Turin, Italy. CataloguePremio Zucchelli, at Galleria Guidi, Accademy of Fine Arts of Bologna, Italy, curated by Roberto Lenzini, Sandro Sproccati

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