Alfonso Maria Isonzo work in Rome, his artistic path explorer varius languages such ad photography,collage, sculture and installations up ti the design of furnishing accessories
2013 group exhibition "Traveling whit Calvino" House of Architetture of Rome. 2014 one-man show Foundation "VOLUME". " Siderare " Historical Monument Militare Fort . Forte Portuense . Rome 2015 group exhibition "Double Track" Maccarese Castel, Fiumicino. 2016 one-man show "LandEscape" House of Architecture of Rome. 2016 group exhibition "ArtePorto" Archeologica area Imperial Port of Claudio and Traiano,Fiumicino . 2017 group exhibition "A Tu per Tour" ex Latin Paper Factory,Rome 2017 group exhibition "Rose" Monserrato Art 900 Gallery. Rome 2018 group exhibition "Dimension Fragile" Library Vallicelliana,Rome 2018 one-man show "Gholgota" one + one Space,Rome 2018 group exhibition in progressivo untill october 28th "Overseas" Archeological area of Imperial Porta of Claudio and Traiano,Fiumicino.