Stefano Maria Girardi
Data and contact details


Stefano Maria Girardi was born in Rome in 1982. He obtained his baccalaureate at “Di Ripetta”  art school of Rome.Later, he attended the Rome University of Fine Arts (RUFA), the Academy of Design and technology of Rome “Pantheon”, and the School of the Art of Medalmaking of Rome. He lives in Rome, where he works as a painter, graphic designer and book cover designer.


LIST OF EDUCATIONAL / PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE UNIVERSITY–  Invited speaker for the seminar “The web and The audiovisual world”, organized by Prof. Carlo Martino
 (Sapienza University, Department of Architecture, Rome)–  Master’s thesis co-advisor for the dissertation of Francesco Cugini, Sapienza University, Department of Architecture. Design, Communication and Multimedia–  Master’s thesis co-advisor for the dissertation of Marco Vecchioni, Sapienza University, Department of Architecture. Design, Communication and Multimedia



EXHIBITION AND RESIDENCY2017 – Art Residency in Lentini (SR) Sicily – Palazzo Beneventano2017 – Roma Gallery of Art della Temple University di Roma – Group Exhibition curated by Tiziana Musi and Shara Wasserman2017 – Roma – Macro Testaccio “La pelanda” – Group Exhibition curated by Marta Michelacci2017 – Roma – Ex cartiera Latina / Sala Nagasawa – Regina Viarum / Dal centro alla periferia –Group Exhibition curated by Domenico Cornacchione2017– Roma – Temple Gallery – Tiny – Group Exhibition curated by Susan Moore2017 – Milano – Circuiti Dinamici – Frammenti del sé – Group Exhibition curated by Lorenzo Argentino and Sonia Patrizia Catena2015 – Roma – Galleria Arte Maggiore, “La donna nell’arte”, Group Exhibition curated by Giorgio Palumbi2014 – Roma – Galleria Arte Maggiore, “L’arte astratta”, Group Exhibition curated by Giorgio Palumbi2013 – Roma – Pastificio Cerere, Group Exhibition2012 Genzano – Palazzo Sforza Cesarini, “Il giardino segreto” , Group Exhibition curated by Giorgio Palumbi dr.ssa Ilaria Sinisi (Exhibition Catalogue presented by Ilaria Sinisi)2011 – Roma – centro d’arte “La Bitta”, “Incontri” Group Exhibition curated by Cinzia Folcarelli2010 –San Giorgio Lucano – Competition “Pareti ad Arte” (2nd prize)






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