Guido Aurisicchio
Data and contact details


 “FLUTTERING” EVENT, curator Asia Procacci:

Guido Aurisicchio was born in Naples (Italy). He approaches painting since the seventy years beginning the first instructive experiences. He comes into contact with the neapolitan artistic environment and carries out researches concerning with visual perception. In 1976 he moves to Rome and begines the experimentation, (going deep into) methodically studying in depth all that concerning art side, urged by a (strong) deep interior necessity. The real operating period begins in 1989, after having seen the Mirò posthumous exhibition (Rome), with his last works. The basic reason which has led him to the painting way consisted in the impossibility of expressing his unconscious (seething) world seething. For many years on end the research work, as said, developed on art experimentation and consideration plan and all that, in artist's opinion, is connected to, on any experience level, even if apparently distant. The main point is he detect a thread, too finest, which lead to art: that's a full of difficulties and hindrances way. His studies on the C.G.Jung's psychology, meditation and Zen of course were decisive factors. Well, in 1989 the Mirò's exhibition, the last Mirò, the one used to paint blobs of paint, sets off the magic: that had been an inconstant and hard-fought experience becomes continuous, anyway remaining hard-fought. In such period Guido Aurisicchio adjusts a personal technique based in the use of poor materials: sponges, rags, old brushes, wood and others. He uses acrylic colours and so much water. At first the work is informal, later takes shape and progressively leads the artist into the interior of a visionary world, in whitch a sensitive and careful observer may recognizes places of his own imagination or unconscious, as if the picture aimed at producing different and variegated inner resonances. Aurisicchio has not been inspired particularly by any pattern besides that by himself has conceived; nevertheless he sincerely admires great artists as Bosh, Dix, Mirò, Bacon and Klee.



Group exhibitions:

1990            Studio 99, Roma

1996            “Pitture d’acqua”, Spazioltre, Roma

1996            Casa delle Culture, Roma

1996            Caffè della Scala, Roma

2002            “Ubicazioni”,Galleria Arte-“Cortina”, Roma

2009            “Scene dall’universo”, La cicala e la formica, Roma

2017            Rebacco, Roma

2018            Area Contesa Roma, Il colore dell’anima


Solo shows:

1991/95        L'Arte nel Portico, Roma                       

1994             Il Narciso, Roma                                       

1995             Arte Estate, Roma                                   

1995             X  Rassegna “Re di Roma”                     

1995             XI Rassegna “Re di Roma”                     

1996             XII Rassegna “ Re di Roma”                   

1996             Spazioltre, Roma                                               

1997             L'Ariete, Roma

2001             Galleria Arte-"Cortina", Roma

2004             XXXI Rassegna Internazionale Sulmona

2004             DARC “Il contemporaneo in città”, Roma

2004             Premio “Museo G. Bargellini”, Pieve di Cento (Bologna)

2004             Zoom - Studi Aperti, Roma

2005             Controcorrente, performance con videoinstallazione sul Tevere

2006             "Omissis", Le Tele Tolte, Calcata (Vt)

2007             “Le conseguenze del colore”, Comunasbarrio, Roma

2007              Fiera VITARTE, "In - visibil - arte", Viterbo

2007             “Quasi per gioco”, Comunasbarrio, Roma

2008              Fiera  ARTEcontemporaneamodernaROMA, Roma

2008             "Visioni dell'umanità", L.S. "E. Majorana", Roma

2008/09         Ashanti, Roma

2009             "Petali rossi", Zerouno, Barletta

2009              “Acqua”, Mitreo, Roma

2009             "1000 artisti a palazzo", Cesano Maderno (Milano)

2009             "Circus", Comunasbarrio, Roma

2009              "Shopping bag=arte III edizione”, Galleria Vittoria, Roma

2009              “Apophis: Immagini da una Apocalisse annunciata”, Roma

2009               “Immagina”, Arte in Fiera, Reggio Emilia

2011/2012      “2012-Sguardi sul Futuro”, Lavatoio Contumaciale , Roma

2013               “Aspettando la cometa”, Lavatoio Contumaciale , Roma

2017                “Il dono del talento”,  Zerouno, Barletta

2017                “Art Rome ,International Art Expo”, Flyer Art Gallery 20-30 oct Roma

2017               “Art Rome ,International Art Expo”, Flyer Art Gallery 31 oct 10 nov Roma

2017               “Alchimie esoteriche ad Arte”, Area Contesa Arte, Roma

2017                 “Arte in Rome Christmas”, Area Contesa Arte, Roma

2017                 “XMAS Art in Exhibition 2017”, Flyer Art Gallery Port of Rome

2018                 “Expo Art of Rome, Flyer Art Gallery Port of Rome 26 gen

2018                 “Arte contemporanea e gioiello”, ArteinRegola, Roma

2018                Mostra d’arte collettiva, Sala Nicolini, Travagliato, (Brescia)

2018                “Visioni d’arte”, Galleria Spazio 40, Roma

2018                World Wide Art Show London 2018, The Tabernacle, Londra.

2019                 “Verso la Biennale”,  Flyer Art Gallery Port of Rome


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