BarbaraLalle, 09/02/1978, italian therapist for post-traumatic neurological rehabilitation and Professor daily engaged in the integration of severely disabled people, moved by an "emergency to say" as an visual artist, through the forms of poetry, painting, sculptur, photo, video, installation, performance and artistic happening, explores the ways in which hardship, deprivation, pain can be understood, narrated, exceeded. It's interpreter of some photo projects. His works have been exhibited in museums and galleries in Italy and abroad.2020 - "Buck up and cry!" - multimedial artistic project (video istallation and performing photography shooting ) with Marco Marassi curated by Roberta Melasecca - Palazzo Doria Pampilj in San Martino al Cimino (VT) - "Stauròs" - performance - curated by Michela Becchis and Roberta Melasecca (Il Manifesto - 20 June) - "Resoconto#2"- performance site-specific - curated by Roberta Melasecca during Witches are back - Forte Prenestino Rome - "Più forte" - public partecipative performance curated by Roberta Melasecca - Tevere Art Gallery T.A.G. Rome - "Viaggio nelle performance partecipative" (A trip in the partecipative performance) - conferenze for students - Liceo Artistico Argan Rome2019 - "Resoconto" - performance - curated by Roberta Melasecca - T.A.G. - "Punto di partenza" - public partecipative performance - with marco Marassi curated by Roberta Melasecca for Rome Art Week 2019 - Centre of Rome (Presstletter 03 November / 10 November) - "Sun deck" - solo painting expo of paper works made with four hand with Leonardo Ciofini - curated by Roberta Melasecca - Incinque Operart Monti Rome (ANSA - 4 April) - "Realtà istantaee" - mutidiscipliray artistic realtional project with Marco Marassi - curated by Roberta Melasecca - artistic residence in Project room of Museo d'Arte Contemporanea di Roma MACRO - "Buck up nad cry!" - mise en espace - with Marco Marassi - curated by Roberta Melasecca during Witches are back - Forte Prenestino Rome (Progetto Italia News - 25 Febrary) - "Portrait of woman" - perfomer in the performing istallation of Monica Pirone curated by Michela Becchis - MACRO Rome - "Crontab" - performancing istallation - curated by Roberta Melsecca Tevere Art Gallery Rome (Presstletter - 24 November) - “on stage project” - collaboration with Manuel Cannelles - curated by Roberta Melasecca, Ilaria Termolino, Savina Tarsitano - Officine Nove (Rome) - “Reti di Ricordi” - partecipation at artistic project curated by Roberta Melasecca e Silvia Stucky - Auditorium del MACRO Roma - "L’Infinito. Più vicini all’universo dove annega il pensiero" - collective expo curated by Roberta Melasecca e Fabio Milani - Complesso Monticello (Rome) - "you are connected now..." - video art by Barbara Lalle, Marco Marassi ed Alessandro Arrigo - winner call Rome Art Week incontra il Miami New Media Festivalal - MACRO and DORCAM, Doral Contemporary Art Museum di Miami2018 - "Gli abiti del Male" - public partecipative performance - curated by Roberta Melasecca - centre of Rome - for Rome Art Week 2018 (ANSA - 27 October) - Finalist of Bridge Art 2018 with special mention of Gestalt Istitution for the project "Realtà istantanee" - Galleria Nazionale of Modern and Contemporary Art in Rome - "Buck up nad cry!" - multimedial artistic project (video istallation and performing photography shooting ) - with Marco Marassi curated by Roberta Melasecca - MACRO - Rome - "Burning home" - parteciative istallation performance - with Alssandro Arrigo - Tevere Art Gallery Rome - "You are connected now..." - Performing video istallation with Marco Marassi and Alessandro Arrigo - during Virtus Nuvola Creativa Festival delle Arti in MACRO Testaccio Rome (Progetto Italia News - 17 october) - "You are connected now..." - Performing video istallation with Marco Marassi and Alessandro Arrigo - during Expo Endorfine in Tevere Art Gallery Rome - "You are connected now..." - Performing video istallation with Marco Marassi and Alessandro Arrigo - during GenderErotica in Sparwasser (Rome) - "Aria di Petrolini - theatral street performance in Rome and at Conventicola degli ultramoderni in Rome - "Parole e Ombre" - artistic happening - Tevere Art Gallery - Non buttare via l'enciclodedia" - collective expo of artistic book - Bioblioteca of Mioglia (Italy) - "Dressed bu you" - performance - Festival DieciLune - Millepiani coworking - Rome - "Dressed bu you" - performance - during MAD in monti - Incinque Openart Monti - Rome - "Dressed bu you" - performance - Fuorinorma Film Festival - Casa Internazionale delle Donne- Rome - "Rivelazione-Rivelazione"- poetry partecipative performance - Plexus International Event for the Mondial Day of Human right - MACRO Roma - Sofferenza e Seduzione” - collective expo curated by Settimio Luciano - with two works "Ieri ho sofferto il dolore#8” and “Ieri ho sofferto il dolore# 9" - Palazzo San Francesco in Agnone - "Le mie rime blu" - reading of poem “Le mie rime in blu” written by Fabiola De Simone - Albergo del Senato Rome - “Omissis 01” reading of the book written by Fabrizio Capecelatro - bookshop Koob Rome,2017 - "M-UNO - multimedial performance - with Pamela Ferri and Gianluca Fasteni curated b"y Roberta Melasecca - Interno 14 and MACRO Testaccio Rome (ANSA - 15 June). - "Buck up nad cry!" - multimedial artistic project (video istallation and performing photography shooting ) - with Marco Marassi curated by Roberta Melasecca for Rome Arte Week 2017 - - "APRIR-SI" - performance - Museo Venanzo Crocetti and Case Romane del Celio in Rome - "Micorcosmiche affabulazioni" - performance - Studio Perio and Tevere Art Gallery Rome (Italy) - "Burning circus" - artistic happening - Tevere Art Gallery - #MONO - performance - Castello di Angri - Italy (Progetto Italia News - 9 October) - "monOTOno" - performance - Fonderia delle Arti - Rome (Progetto Italia News - 4 december) - "Bautta" - performance - AKA Club spazio eventi - "Bautta" - performance - Diecilune Festival - Millepiani coworking Rome - "Dressed bu you" - performance - Esc Atelier - Rome - "Dressed bu you" - performance - Spintime Labs - Rome - "Rivelazione-Rivelazione"- poetry partecipative performance - Notte Bianca della Poesia - Casa Internazionale delle Donne - Rome - "Rivelazione-Rivelazione"- poetry partecipative performance - Voult 41 - Rome (Progetto Italia News - 25 Ottobre) - "Buck up nad cry!" - multimedial artistic project - Queer Infection Lab - IL Kino Rome - "Air Collection" - Thatral performance - with Martino Pirealla Riscarti Art Festival - Cinema Palazzo Rome2016 - "Kintsugi" - performance - Museum Stadium of Domitian Rome - "Kintsugi" received the City of Soriano 2015 Prize - "Esodi" - performance - MACRO Testaccio La Pelanda Rome - "Esodi" performance - Tevere Art Gallery Rome - "Dressed by you" - public performance - street - during the Gay Pride in Roma - "Dressed by you" - performance - Ex convento dei domenicani Muro Leccese (Italy) during The Dark Room Project 6 curated by Luciano Corvaglia - "Dressed bu you" - performance - Tevere Art Gallery - "Questa non è area per voi" - public partecipative installation performance - Vittorio Square in Rome (Italy) - (Corriere della Sera, La Repubblica, Fanpage, Il Messaggero, Tg3 5 November) - "Logos in progress" - public partecipative performance - Vittorio square Roma (Italy) - (ANSA 26 November) - "Contatto" - multimedial performance - Tevere Art Gallery Rome (Italy) - "Rivelazione-Rivelazione"- poetry partecipative performance - Tevere Art Gallery ( - 5 gennaio) - "Rivelazione-Rivelazione"- poetry partecipative performance - Fonderia delle Arti (Rome) - "Ieri ho spfferto il dolore"- solo expo - Rome Art Week 2016 - Mila Galleria (Rome) 2015 - Finalist Cascella Prize 2015 - with the painting work "Ieri ho sofferto il dolore" - "Il labirinto di Icaro involato" (The maze of Icarus stolen) - installation performance - MAXXI - April 2, 2015 for the World Day of Autism Awareness. - “Strumenti d’amore” - collective expo - with work “(Anche oggi si va a) caritare” - Associazione Culturale Premio Centro a favore della Caritas (Corriere di Viterbo – 11 Gennaio 2015). - "Uovo d'artista" - collective expo (scultura) - Galleria Spazio 40 Roma - Finalist at Florart 2015 prize in Santa Marinella (Italy) - International event of visual poetry- EMBE School of Arts Buoenos Aires (Argentina) - member of the jury for Premio Centro Fidelitas 2015 ofttà di Soriano. 2014 - "E...state in aria" - performaning reading with text written by Claudio Morici - Museo Napoleonico Rome (Italy) - "Itinere" - collective expo - with works "Jerusalem" e "Pulpito" - Palazzo Orsini in Bomarzo (Viterbo) and Palazzo Caccia Canali in Sant'Oreste (Rome) (catalogo Palladino Editore) - "Gli animali nel mondo dell'arte" - international mail art event with work "Utinam!" - curated by Tiziana Todi - Palazzo Caccia-Canali, Naturalistic Museum Naturalistico of Soratte montain (Italy)2013 - "Ieri ho sofferto il dolore” (Yesterday I suffered pain) like painting project in a solo exhibition at the Studio Theatre Argot - Rome - "Shopping Bag = Arte" - collective expo - paiting works "Σπείρα" Galleria Vittora - Roma Capitale, Regione Lazio, Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma e AMA, (Catalogo "Arte del recupero" - Ed. Vittoria - 2013). - "Pinocchio storia di un burattino" - mail art expo - with work "Lasciando una regressione di te" - curated by Tiziana Todi - Palazzo Caccia-Canali, Naturalistic Museum Naturalistico of Soratte montain (Italy)2012 - Fianalist at Adrenalina Prize with sculptur "Canide" - MACRO Roma - "Shopping Bag = Arte" - collective expo - painting "20/25" - Galleria Vittoria - (Catalogo "Arte del recupero" - Ed. Vittoria - 2012).2011 - "L’Arte dell’Errore Giudiziario” - performance - Living Theatre Europe Company (Libero - February 9, 2011, Il Manifesto - February 9, 2011). 2009 - theatral laboratory in West Bank for kids, teenagers in cultural centre and for woman in antiviolence centre. - "Not in my name" written by Judith Malina - actress in Living Theatre Europe Company - Gerusalemme
Barbara Lalle
Data and contact details