Cinzia Colombo
Cinzia Colombo lives and works in Rome. Between 2015 and 2016 after two collective exhibitions: "Ante Operam" and "Post Operam" - presented during the Open House event - she founded along with others artists the space of MESIA SPACE Arte Contemporanea.
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Cinzia Colombo lives and works in Rome.

She has produced personal exhibition projects showed in unconventional spaces in the city of Rome, among which: "to be or not. TUBI tu mi turbi" 2002; "L'Ama" 2004; "Campo di Cicoria" 2007; "TAGLIO DEL BOSCO" 2013.

Between 2015 and 2016 after numerous meetings and two subsequent collective exhibitions: "Ante Operam" and "Post Operam" - presented during the Open House event - she founded along with others artists the space of ME.SIA S.PACE Arte Contemporanea.

One of the main projects of her artistic research was articulated in the following exhibition moments:

- naturalmente 'Pina' - Galleria Cortese Lisanti, Roma 2010;

- sviluppo di un corpo corteccia - Casa Galleria di Tina Parotti, Milano 2011;

- Il 'Pino' e la 'Pina' vivono sullo stesso albero - Open House, Roma 2015;

- 'Pini senza Pine' - Open House, Roma 2016;

- 'La Pina' - vetrina di ME.SIA S.PACE Arte Contemporanea, Roma 2016;

- madre terra d'ombra bruciata - the last step of this research - is a book, a sort of diary that represents the path where the artworks of this project have taken shape, putting togheter too those elements that have not been developed and which will perhaps find life in other artworks or that they will only remain as a trace... from the moment when fragments of barks of the 'Pino' tree have been put together and developed in sculptures: 'bodies-barks' to wear and pamper; to those 'Pini senza Pine' a series of white small spirits, little girls moving between young trees which have not yet developed the female part; to continue staging the vital force arose in the first relationship between mother and daughter.    Images chronologically ordered but also touching the time dimension of 'Kairos', of the subjective experience that is lived and has meaning at the present moment.   The theme of 'care' goes through all her artworks as a presupposition for the creative process. The plants present in the artworks, vegetable living matter, have an uncertain development and need continuous care.   


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