Amir Yeke
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Amir Yeke was born in Tehran (Iran) in 1973.. At the age of fourteen, as an accomplished student, he was selected in a program of the Ministry of Education to continue his studies in a school for gifted; He continued however attending the public school as his parents preferred. He first approached art by taking interest in photography. He attended a three-year course in artistic photography with professor Mohammad Sattari. He moved to the Arts District of Tehran renting an apartment, his home-studio for six years. In 1998 he gave up his business definitely to obtain the high school diploma, which he abandoned years before. From that moment on he devoted himself exclusively to art. He attended the school of figurative drawing of Ahmad Vakili (one of the most known Iranian contemporary painters);here too he was one of the most distinguished students. He harbored interest in human figure, as a structure of absolute perfection in continuous change and vibration.

In 2002, he enrolled at the Fine Arts Academy of Yerevan, Armenia. Within the Russian academic system, represented by professors Grigor Aghasyan and Edward Vardanian, he experimented with and absorbed the traditional academic disciplines. He investigated the compositional potential of color getting inspired by the masters of Armenian modern art like Minas Avetisyan, Martiros Saryan and Sarkis Hamalbashian who, in Amir's opinion, are Armenia's most revolutionary painters. In a chance encounter in Yerevan he met the cultural attaché of the Italian Embassy in Armenia, who urged him to continue his artistic career in Italy. Thereby in 2007, he enrolled at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, where he explored painting techniques; he was interested particularly in the lessons of Moreno Bondi. He graduated in 2011 with honors. He travelled almost all over Europe, exploring the artworks of the greatest masters of art.

He mastered techniques and painting concepts without favouring any "ISM", rather, absorbing everything they include, in order to arrive at a synthesis through shapes, colors and essential signs. The concept of synthesis, indeed, is the basis of his art, and that is a distinctive feature of Iranian art and history, that is: absorbing different elements from the world and synthesizing them, in order to come to a very personal, new and original item. Amir participated in various workshops and performances, in addition to numerous collective exhibitions. Amir currently lives and works in Rome.

Exhibitions: 2016 – Galleria Il Raggio, solo exhibition “THE COLOR OF SPACE”, Lugano (Svizzera); 2017 – Museo della Cattedrale, Palazzo Garofalo, Mostra interculturale d’arte collettiva “MIGRANTES”, Ragusa (Italy); 2016 – Civica Raccolta “Carmelo Cappello”, Palazzo Zacco, collettiva “SFACCIATI”, Ragusa (Italy); 2016 – Jadite Galleries, collettiva “SQUARE LITTLE WORLDS”, New York (USA); 2016 – Palazzo del Freddo Giovanni Fassi, collettiva “ESQUILINO. IL RIONE DEI LIBRI”, Rome (Italy); 2016 – Atelier di artista, Rassegna “ALL’ESQUILINO, UN INCONTRO CON L’ARTISTA”, solo exhibition Rome (Italy); 2015 – Centro Arti Visive Pescheria Pesaro, solo exhibition “FLUSSI PARALLELI E OGGI”, Pesaro (Italiy).


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