PIETRO ZUCCA, visual artist-sculptor.
Born in 1982, lives and works in Rome.
In 2007 he graduated in Sculpture at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts.
After attending two first-level refresher courses,
RomaTre interfaculty projects / faculty of Architecture of Valle Giulia /
Faculty of Cultural Heritage of Viterbo and the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera.
Currently collaborates with:- White Noise Gallery Rome.- Arch. Francesca Bertuglia.- Serafino Pagnoni Designe.
Architectural space, theatrical action, performance and photography are the backdrop of his plastic research.EVENTS2019 MACRO ASILO. Roma. Laboratorio : “percorrere lo spazio attraverso linea e costruzione”.2018 THE OTHERS ART FAIR. Torino. Fiera d’arti visive. Esposizione bipersonale, Pietro zucca / Mar Hernandez, con Galleria White Noise Gallery –Roma.2017 ZENIT, Open House Rome Review. Visual art exhibition and design at the Alessandra Calvani's studio. Collaboration with Alessandra Calvani Designe, Arch. Francesca Bertuglia, Arch. Valeria Ledda.
2017 JUST MAD, Madrid. International Visual Arts Fair. Bi personal show, Pietro Zucca / Mar Hernández,
represented by the gallery White Noise Gallery, Rome.
2016 SUPERNOVA, Galleria White Noise Gallery, Rome. Bi personal exhibition, Pietro Zucca/ EMMEU for a project concerning the investigation of plastic and pictorial space through pure geometry.2016 SAN SALVARIO DISTRICT AWARD, Association Golfart Turin, Exhibition of art and handicrafts at the commercial activities of the San Salvario district.
Exhibition at the Blend Capsule shop (Piazza Madama) in collaboration with architects F. Bertuglia and V. Ledda for a project on the shape of touch.
Decoration of sculptures and Utility objects.2015 SIDERA, works by Pietro Zucca and collection of objects of NUMERI PRIMI done @ arte.
Collaboration with architects F. Bertuglia and V. Ledda for a project on the shape of the feel.
Decoration of sculptures and objects of Utility art at the house of Maria Silvia Bazzoli - Rome.
2015 DE-CONSTRUCTION, LA TRIDIMENSIONALITA DELLA FORMA, University of Roma-Campus. Collective exhibition of artists Pietro Zucca, Sergio Angeli, Corrado Delfini, edited by Manuela Vannozzi.
2015 ART AFFORDABLE FAIR, Gallery White Noise Gallery, Rome, Art Fair, Exhibition at the superstudio pavilions, Milan.
2015 ANY GIVEN POST-IT, Gallery White Noise Gallery, Rome, Collective exhibition of visual art.
2014 YOUNG SCULPTORS FOR THE PERMANENT, Palazzo della Permanente Milano, collective exhibition of sculpture - "Liliana Nocera" / Academy of Fine Arts of Brera.
2014 YACHTING FESTIVAL, Cannes- Realization of installation works for Yachts in collaboration with Piero Orlando, shipyard Bimax del Golfo di Gaeta and with the support of Unioncamere Lazio, Latina Chamber of Commerce, Consormare, Yacht Med Festival of Gaeta and Assonautica.
2014 MADE IN ROME 2, Atelier Montez, Rome - Collective exhibition of visual art-event by Manuela Vannozzi.
2013 IN SIMBIOSI, Academy of Romania, Rome- Collective exhibition of visual art - event by Manuela Vannozzi.2013 Biennale di VENEZIA, 55th INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVE EXHIBITION, ARSENAL PADIGLIONE- Biennial session-Accademia di Brera, presentation of the personal research of the young artists- upon the invitation of Prof.Massimo Mazzone.
2013 EAC, electronic art cafe ', Rome - collective exhibition at the Camponeschi Wine Bar - event organized by Manuela Vannozzi.2012 INTERNATIONAL SCULPTURE "UMBERTO MASTROINANNI" SCULPTURE - REGIONE PIEMONTE, Turin - invitation of the Critics of Art Prof. Claudio Cerritelli.2011 MACRO, Via Nizza, Rome - Gameowerflow project, realization of the performance "Cartagigliodress". In collaboration with the Cantieri d'arte Viterbo Association.
2011 LA VILLE OUVERTE, Workshop at Arci Viterbo and Association of Shipbuilders, Viterbo.
2009 TEATRO DELLA CONTRADDIZIONE. Milan - realization of a theatrical performance "Spazi Interni" .- at the invitation of Prof. Massimo Mazzone and of the theater director Marco Maria Linzi.2007 MANIFEST SPACE, Workshop at Arci Viterbo and Association of Shipbuilders, Viterbo.
2006 X. BIENNALE OF ARCHITECTURE IN VENICE, FRANCE PADIGLION, performing a performance: "Dessert" - at the invitation of the Arch. Patrick Bouchon and the Arch. Nicolas Henninger.
2005 PERMEABILITA, SPACE JUST IN TIME, Workshop at the RomaTRE Faculty, Ex Mattatoio, Rome.
2005 SALON PRIMO OF STUDENTS OF BRERA FINE ARTS ACCADEMY , Milan - upon the invitation of Prof. Vito Bucciarelli - received a prize of signaling.PERSONAL EXHIBITIONS.
WORKING PROGRES SCULTURA - 3B Gallery, Roma. 24 November.
Curator: Alexander Bracci.
SENZA FISSA DIMORA: IL DUALISMO DEL VUOTO - Associazione Culturale TRAleVOLTE, Roma. 21 September.
Curator: Gian Maria Nerli.
SPAZI INTERNI – teatro della contraddizione , Milano. 10 January.
Curator: Marco Maria Linzi and Massimo Mazzone.
L’EQUILIBRIO DELGI ZINGARI - Degli Zingari Gallery, Roma. 4 December.
Curator: Claudia Pettinari, Massimiliano Alberico Grasso.
CONTEMPO AREA – Montopoili Sabina, Rieti. 1 October
Curator: Carlotta delgi Innocenti Giacomo Tringali.
STREET IN GALLERY – Galleria degli Zingari , Roma. 17 June
Curator: Sara Pessato.
CAMERA OSCURA-CONTEST DI FOTOGRAFIA – Caffè Letterario , Roma. 8 February.
By Arte Oltre e Caffè /Letterario.
TUTTI I COLORI DELL’ARTE - Centro sociale Intifada , Roma. 10 September.
By Braccia rubate alla cultura.
QUARTA DIMENSIONE – Galleria Ghiggini, Varese. 1 October.
Curator: Giovanni Bruno, Claudio Cerritelli.
ART LIMITED-MULTIPLE ART – XVIII Triennale di Grenchen (CH). 14 September.
By Heinz Westreicher.
(AC)CENNI DI (CON)TEMPORANEO, FESTIVAL DELLA CULTURA CONTEMPORANEA – Torre Monaldeschi, Civitella d’Agliano, Viterbo. 5 September.
Curator: Massimo Lucarelli, Samuele Vesuvio.
S.O.S. GROUP – Chiesa di S. Ignazio, Arezzo. 30 November.
Curator: Massimo Mazzone.
LA MEMORIA DEL PRESENTE –Parco del castello, Trezzosull’Adda, Milano. 21 April.
Curator: Pier Luigi Buglioni.
FUORI MISURA: ARTE A CIELO APERTO – Agriturismo “La Casella”, Fabbro Ficulle, Terni. April –May.
Curator: Marco Trulli, Graziano Marini, Loredana Bucchi.
BEA FRISS – Budapest Art Expo. 17 June.
Contemporary art Museum of Stzentendre.
I LINGUAGGI DELLA SCULTURA – Museo Tuscolano, Frascati, Roma. 1 December.
Curator: Vito Bucciarelli e Massimo Mazzone.