Gio Montez
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Giorgio Capogrossi, artist name: “Gio Montez” was Born on November 12, 1987 in Rome; he attended the 12. Class at the institute Heinrich-von-Gagern-Gymnasium.He traveled then for two years in several countries of Western Europe, Latin America and Australia. Back in Europe he settle in Germany, in Frankfurt, where he takes part in numerous contemporary art exhibition, collecting first significant recognitions. In 2011 he is appointed member of the Board of the Kunstverein Familie Montez and participates in numerous exhibitions at major art institutions (Museo das Haus der Stadtgeschichte of Offenbach, Museum fuer Moderne Kunst, Lichtkultur Biennial, Museum fuer Angewandte Kunst, where at the exhibition "Kuenstler helfen kuenstler " curated by Angelika Gilberg in favor of Japanese artists after the tsunami expose among others Tobias Rehberger, Yoko Ono and Hermann Nitsch).In 2012 he is appointed curator of the exhibition "Fragile Helden" at the Kunstverein Familie Montez and is subsequently selected by the Haus der Stadtgeschichte Offenbach a.M. to participate in the touring exhibition "Kunsthallen Offenbach" representing in the exhibition "Neue Welten" the latest trends in contemporary European art.In the same year he moves to Rome where he attends Sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts and begins a project affiliated with the Frankfurt Kunstverein Familie Montez opening in Rome the Atelier Montez where he organizes the production and exhibition of works of 'art, becoming in a short time this place as the place to be in the Roman art scene.He curates in September 2012 the exhibition of a jung italian artist in Meknes, Marocco and he begins in 2013 to collaborate with the Ducci Foundation for the Arts Section. In Fes, Morocco, in the framework of the "IncontriFes 2013," presents "La Nouvelle Palmeraie" his first sculpture solo exhibition. His sculptures are now located in front of the Biblioteque National in Rabat, Morocco. During "la città e l'umano" curated by Paolo Berti e Robertomaria Siena Gio Montez realized the monument “Sublimazione” donated to the city and located in the Piazzale Cavalieri di Vittorio Veneto, in Soriano Nel Cimino (VT) .In 2015 he presents an istallation for the exhibition "La materia della assenza" with Gio Montez, Sergio Angeli and Corrado Delfini, curated by Lorenzo Canova in Museo Civico “Umberto Mastroianni” di Marino. His work has been censored by the curator; the artist preferred to smoke tabacco habano instead of attending the exhibition.In the same period he is involved in a E.U. Mission "Art -Eco" in cooperation with C.I.S.P. and Ducci Foundation, for scouting the cultural scene and contibute at the developing of indipendent culture in a comunist country. The artwork serie "Ventana Viejas" realized there where exhibited in an event curated by Sachie Hernandez at the presence of italian Ambassador Carmine Robustelli, and remain conserved in the Castillo del Jardin Tropical, Habana, Cuba. In 2016 he participate at the "Cineforum" curated by prof. Gabriele Cavaggioni in the Università La Sapienza by presenting some appropriation-works related to the film "Babadouk" by Jennifer Kent.In 2017 his action with the neo-futurist group in Rome, as the performance "Fumo" in the CORE gallery by Giancarlo Carpi and Raffaele Soligo, during the book presentation "Arte Ultima" written by Vitaldo Conte (Avanguardia 21 Edizioni) where among others Francesca Barbi Marinetti and Antonio Saccoccio partecipated.The exhibition "Mostri e mostruosità di oggi" curated by Paolo Berti e Giorgio Di Genova and dedicated to the international victims of terrorism.The exhibition "Exempla" curated by Cludio Strinati under the patronage of Italian Embassy in Morocco and Maroccan Culture Ministry, where the collection of the Ducci Foundation was shown in the historical gallery "Bab Rouah", Rabat, Morocco. Invited from C.I.D.I. Fès as an artist in residence he presented his production in a bi-personal exhibition with artist Cheik Zidor in the "Aqua" gallery in Fès Medina, Morocco in July 2017.


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