Coquelicot Mafille
Data and contact details

Born in Paris, lives and work in Milan

Coquelicot Mafille research moves around play, onirical dimensions, language spaces, Nature and nature of human relationships. Her work invites to memory and day by day perspectives from a poetic and nomadic vision, and investigates heterochrony and heterotopy, overlaping the sense of things. She tells about human, animal, vegetal moments, made by little things of nothing, made of gestures and pauses, waiting and life, mixed to history facts, politic, and absurdity that arises from that.

Her multifaced practice touches more media as embroidery, writing, painting, on canvas, fabric, paper, urban wall and glass windows, with thread, painting, stickers ; the investigation of images – photography, collage– the manipulation of sound - music, ambient recording, and simple manipulation: clay, fabric, fiber.

Her work had been shown in Italy and France, in in group show (07/ 17) Chinatown Biennale, Galleria Davide Gallo, Milano; (11/16) TheOthersArtFair, Torino; (10/16) ArtVerona, i7 independent space, with Caffè Internazionale from Palermo;(03/16) Intragallery, Naples; Vis à Vis, Galerie de l'Institut Français de Milan (03/16); TRI-BU’, galleria BeatTricks, Milano, (10/15); Hybrid Maps, Berchidda Jazz Festival, (NU) (08/11); Mosaiques, Fort Napoléon, Seyne sur mer, (FR), (06/11) and solo shown as Richiami, Archimania, Sanremo, (02/17); Encyclopédique, SibillaArte, Carassai, (06/16) and Caffè Internazionale, Palermo (02/16); LE MUR, rue Oberkampf, Paris, muro n°190 (07/15).

She attend artistic residencies as BoCs Art, Cosenza (12/15) and I-art, Sicily, (04/15).

Her work is featured in the catalogues Arkitekturae/Times in Jazz XXI edizione 2008; Terra/Times in Jazz XXIV edizione 2011; Memorie Urbane V edizione, 2016; Le MUR 2010/2015, Hermann éditeurs, 2016; Segnature/micro rivista/micro magazine, février 2016; Catalogo Maam, Museo dell'altro e dell'altrove, Roma, Ed. Bordeaux, 2017; Street Art In Sicilia, M.Filippi, M.Mondino, L.Tuttolomondo, Palermo, Ed. Flaccovio, 2017; Collection Imago Mundi "FRANCE : INSTANT PRESENT", 2017; Residenze d'artista BoCs Art. Cosenza 2015/2016, Manfredi Edizioni, 2017.

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