Michele Vittori
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Born and living in Rome area, Michele Vittori starting from visual arts passion approached the photography in 2008 by attending technical courses at the “Graffiti” school and workshop at “Officine Fotografiche”.

Throughout the early works he found a special attraction in the landscape photography documentation, that has led him to produce various photographic series related to the territory.

In 2016 he exhibited some of his works, including: a special selection of Sicily photos at the “Trieste photo days”, a selection of China shots at “Fotoleggendo” off section, some Rome suburb images presented at “Oltre le mura di Roma” photo contest worth to him a special mention, and some more picture has been exposed at “La Pelanda – Macro” in Rome.

Since 2015 he take part as contributor at “Limine” collective, by through his photographic series called “La montagna di Roma” (edit “The mountain of Rome”). The project developed under the supervision of Massimo Siragusa, has been presented at “Officine Fotografiche” and is published in limited edition by Doll's Eye Reflex.

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