Elisabetta Pizzichetti
Data and contact details

BIOGRAPHYElisabetta Pizzichetti studied fine arts in Florence at the Istituto per l'Arte e il Restauro - Palazzo Spinelli and philosophy at the Università degli studi di Firenze. She began painting in the 1980s. At the same time she taught art in public and private schools in Florence and Ascoli Piceno to adults and above all children (a project on image/art education in elementary schools). She collaborated with graphic design studios, worked on exhibitions and at museums in Florence and in the province of Ascoli. For two years she worked for the Ascoli Cultural Department editing the first paperback tour guide of Ascoli where she also began a small business that handled museum services, primarily supervising educational workshops. One of the workshops gave rise to the beginning of a permanent museum for children in Spinetoli (Ascoli Piceno) that was inaugurated in collaboration with the responsible for the educational workshop at the Pecci Museum in Prato. In 2001 she moved to Rome where she decided to focus exclusively on painting. Between 2013 and 2014 she collaborated with the curator of the Incontro d'Arte Gallery in Rome, Alessandra Tontini. In 2016/17 she collaborate with the professor of Art M. Marinaccio in the school D. Manin for an artistic project on autism. In 2017 he joined the Arco Gallieno Cultural Association, which collects the artists residing in the Esquilino district.

Her work focuses on a preliminary phase of minimalist realism in which the object is fragmented and is always a marginal and eccentric vision of the composition. For some time, the idea of the fragmentary nature of objects has prevailed through the use of collages combined with painting and later with the use of other layers of material such as wax, resin, and photographs on acetate and glass.  EXHIBITIONS


Participation in the project Stendart,  Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II - curated by Ass. Arco di Gallieno - Roma



- Bianco come il latte, nero come un cane - Interno 14 - curated by Roberta Melasecca - Roma;

- Participation in the project AdottArt-Esquilino museum - Barber shop  C. Alberto street, Roma (www.adottart.it);

- FEMALE IN MARCH - Ex-Dogana S. Lorenzo - curated by Officine Fotografiche - Rome2016- ESQUILINARTE – “Tralevolte” - Piazza di Porta S. Giovanni - Rome2015- FACES – “Premio nazionale di arte attuale” (National Award for Current Art) - Progetto EneganArt - Florence - in collaboration with the Pecci Museum in Prato and l’Accademia di Belle Arti (The Academy of Fine Arts) in Florence- PORTAFORTUNA - Spazio VARCO - L'Aquila- PORTAFORTUNA - SpazioY - Rome- NUDE – “Party l’arte da ricevere” (art to be received Party) in Rome - in conjunction with OPEN HOUSE in Rome – curated by Francesca Bertuglia and M. Silvia Bazzoli2014- LA CASA DEI GIOCHI - “Party l’arte da ricevere” (art to be received Party) in Rome - curated by Francesca Bertuglia and M. Silvia Bazzoli- Winners of the ArtePerOGGI Award Exhibition - Incontro d'arte Gallery - Rome- ArtePerOGGI – 4th place at the exhibition/competition - Teatro dei Dioscuri - Rome2013- Winners of the ArtePerOGGI Award Exhibition - Incontro d'arte Gallery - Rome- ArtePerOGGI – 2nd place at the exhibition/competition - Teatro dei Dioscuri - Rome- PERCORSI (in collaboration with photographer Cristina Armeni) - Rome2011- MICRO 2 - Milan- IL CENTRO E' OVUNQUE – “Archiattack” - Benevento- DRAWING CONNECTIONS - Siena Art Institute - Siena- VENTIPERVENTI - Lineadarte Officina Creativa - Naples2010- I SETTE VIZI CAPITALI - Circolo degli Artisti - Rome- CRASH - Circolo degli Artisti - Rome2009 - IL FILO D'ARIANNA - Torre Prendiparte - Bologna - Arte Fiera Off (OFF Art Trade Fair)- IL FILO D'ARIANNA - Rocca Albornoz - Narni- 1st place Historical Centre Cultural Award, "Oltre le mura" (Beyond the Walls)- Cappella Orsini - Rome- LA MEMORIA LE IMMAGINI - Museo diocesano - Terni - (permanent collection of contemporary art in the museum)-IN ORDINE SPARSO#2 - San Gemini – curated by Marco Testa- MAGNANI, MANGANO, MORANTE – “a tribute to women artists of today and the great women of yesterday” - Cappella Orsini - Rome2008- I DRAW – Sangemini- 3rd place at the Concorso Ars Palliorum - Contemporary Art Award - Narni- STRANE PROSPETTIVE - San Gemini – curated by Marco Testa- DISORDINE PERCETTIVO ORDINE CONCETTUALE - Il Narciso Gallery - Rome- IMPRONTA GLOBALE – “ISA” - Roma – curated by Daniele Arzenta2007-INFORMA – San Gemini - curated by Marco Testa- Foyer of the Teatro Furio Camillo - Rome2006 -INCONTRO TRA CULTURE – “L’Arte al Centro” (Art at the Centre) – Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Italy - Rome- FUORILUOGO – “appuntamenti fuori dall’habitat(o)” (appointment outside the habitat/home) - Rome2005- LA METROPOLI - Anticaja and Petrella Cultural Association Competition, received a special mention - Rome-SAGOME 537* - Curated by Domenico Giglio of the Horti Lamiani-Bettivò Gallery – Rome (*In 2007 the entire installation was bought by the Collection of Contemporary Art at the Farnesina – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation)- “Gente di sotto” by Bacalov/Berardi – set for the show – Teatro Vascello – Rome2000- IMAGO CHRISTI – City of Arquata del Tronto Competition – Ascoli Piceno1995-AL MURO – Fabbrica Europa – “Il disordine delle arti” (The Disorder of the Arts) - former Leopolda Station – Florence1990 -7th ANNUAL FESTIVAL INTERNAZIONALE DI TEATRO – City Council Chambers of Amandola – Ascoli Piceno1989-INCONTRI D'ESTATE – Festival of exhibits, performances, concerts – Ascoli Piceno1988- CONVIVIO – Cultural Association - Firenze

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