I was born, live and work in Rome. I graduated at Istituto statale d'arte "Silvio d'Amico", in Rome with a qualification in graphic design and printing. After my school-leaving certificate I attended the Accademia di Belle Arti, orientation "painting". During the past three years I have been contributing to the publishing house ELEMENTO 115 to create covers for their books production.
I'm part of associazione culturale ARCO DI GALLIENO a group of artists of the quarter Esquilino, where I live. This year 2018 with the above mentioned associazione we developped projects aimed to engage the cultural interest and the involvement of the inhabitants of the quarter.
My exhibition:
January 2018 - I was part of the exhibition Stend/Art ( exhibition of artisitc banner in the porticos of Piazza Vittorio)
April 2018 - Adottart "adoption" of a shop, a main door in a palace, etc. decorating them with paintings, murals, etc. having the aim to create a sort of permanent and popular museum at Esquilino.
May 2018 - Esquilinogram with the collaboration of 'Sala 1 Galleria' we created the first exhibition in Italy using the medium of Instagram - I took part of the call of "FLASH BACK - l'arte è tutta contemporanea" per un manifesto in piazza bottesini a Torino. - I also took part at "Anonymous drawings", at GalerieimKornerpark, in Berlin
June 2018 - I took part at the call of Spazio Y for 'Manifesta', together with the associazione "Arco di Gallieno" - i took part at "Crack" 2018 Forte Prenestino.
November 2018 - collective exhibition at Casa dell'Architettura in Rome.
my contacts
Lucilla Monardi
Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II, 93 - 00185 Rome
Instagram Antima Teria
Facebook Antima Teria / Lucilla Monardi artist
cell. 347 079 45 23