Francesca Beatrice Borri
Data and contact details

Born in Monza on December 3, 1969, daughter of art, attending the Art Institute at Villa Reale in Monza.

She graduated from the "Photo Course with Development and Printing" at the Vedano al Lambro photographic school in 1995.

From 2000 to 2005 she attended the Martenot school in Rome and various "en plen air" courses with professor Loris Liberatori.

In 2006, she achieved the painting specialization at the Borghese gallery, in relation to the study of colors and techniques used by Caravaggio.

From 2006 to 2010, with Professor Giorgia Rissone, follows a trompe-l'oeil course, techniques of artistic decoration, oil, watercolor and acrylic use with mixed techniques.


From 2011 to present, she continues her training experiences at artists' labs, and attends the studio of Elisa Nicolaci.

She starts by displaying her works with mixed-acrylic technique at Montignano Castle in November 2009


In 2010 she attended a "Digital Photography" course with photographer Stefania Barbier in Rome.


The artist takes part in the competition at the Estensi Stables in Tivoli from October 1 to October 9, 2016, at the first selective exhibition for the 2018 Biennial of Rome, curated by Diego Tortora.

She wins here the first prize, winning the participation in the 2018 Biennial of Rome.


Rome solo exhibition “Boneyard” text by Giuseppe Ussani d’Escobar at Galleria Angelica, 13th – 20th September 2017, with the Patronage of the Ministery of Culture and Tourism of Italy and of Biblioteca Angelica.


The artist plans for 2017 and 2018 some important personal exhibitions in Europe and the Overseas, which will confirm her creative originality, always in constant research and experimentation.

In February 2018 takes part in the Affordable Milan during the Summer in Sardinia, two important exibition in Mario Mazzoleni's Galleries.

In August 2018 takes part in primary Festival of Mind in Sarzana (La Spezia) a big exposition in suggestiv Porta Romana.

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