Giuseppe Ciracì
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Giuseppe Ciracì


Giuseppe Ciracì was born in 1975 in Brindisi. After studying at Edgardo Simone high-school he graduated in the Academy of Fine Arts in Lecce.

He began his artistic career in Apulia, though in 2003 he travelled to Milan where he started studying Figurative Arts.

In 2007 Giuseppe Ciraci’s artworks appeared in the documentary titled ‘Sigmund Freud, il grande pensatore’ (Sigmund Freud, the great thinker) directed by Ferruccio Valerio.

On the same year, the artist progressively moved from the depiction of portraits to the construction of a set of several-components assemblages which have been inspired by Leonardo Da Vinci’s Codex Windsor.

Giuseppe Ciracì participated in several group exhibitions and presented his solo shows all over the world, from Italy (Lecce, Rome,Venice) to Germany (Berlin) and Indonesia (Bali). Among his exhibitions:

A Windsor (To Windsor), Palazzo Vernazza Castromediano, Lecce

Il paesaggio interiore (The Inner Landscape), Scatolabianca, Milan

Opere scelte 2008-2014 (Selected works 2008-2014), Palazzo Granafei Nervegna, Brindisi

Incompleteness (Incompleteness), a solo show curated by the Department for Cultural Heritage of Unisalento and presented in Palazzo del Rettorato, University of Salento, Lecce. 

The painter was finalist for the Celeste Prize, the Arte Laguna di Venezia Prize and the Premio Combat Prize, the 2010 Premio Pittura Zigarelli-Rocca delle Macie, the 2011 MagPrize in Milan and 2013 Oranel Prize as well.

In 2015 the artist was selected to join the BoCs Art in Cosenza by the famous art critic Alberto Dambruoso.

Currently, Giuseppe Ciracì is a Professor of the Fine Arts. He lives and works in Brindisi and Milan.

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