Enzo Casale
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Enzo Casale was born in Monte San Biagio (LT), lives and works in Rome. After the  Fine Arts Academy and Costume and Fashion he worked to fashion in particular by making various collections of Knitwear and apparel. Since 2003 he work full time to painting. The most important exhibition is: 2005 - La Galleria Tondinelli organized a personal exhibition in Rome in Via Della Croce, the year after personal exeduled in Fondi in the fifteenth-century Judea. Then He exhibits in New York, Berlin and San Leucio, where won the Painting Prize at the Biennial of the Arts of the Italian’s Unification. From 2012 it is often selected at the "Human Right?" exhibitions: San Leucio, Rovereto, Lecce. "United Factories" preview Expo, Wunderkammer at the Bilotti Museum of Rende (two works are permanently exhibited there) in 2015 he take part at BoCs 8 in 2015/16 organized by “Tuesday Critics” of Alberto Dambruoso. Tiny Biennale (a miniature exhibition) curated by Susan Moore - at Temple University in Rome and Denudo at OnArt Gallery of Florence in 2017.

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