Roberta Morzetti
Data and contact details

Roberta Morzetti was born in Tarquinia in 1979. She attended the Academy of Fine Arts "Lorenzo da Viterbo" (ABAV) - in Viterbo, achieving, in 2005, the academic degree with honour. Her experience starts in the fashion field as a stylist, designing clothing lines with recycled materials (Leccal label, Cementarmato, Aporie). In Rome, she became costume assistant for Andrea Viotti, company Gabriele Lavia ("Le Nozze di Figaro", directed by Matteo Tarasco, 2007, Teatro Eliseo; "Misura per Misura", directed by Gabriele Lavia, 2007, Teatro Argentina) , by Laura Costantini (for the musicals "A un passo dal sogno", 2008, "", 2009, directed by Marco Mattolini, Teatro Brancaccio, for the film "There's no two without you", directed by Massimo Cappelli, 2015), by Michela Marino (for the short film "Anni 30", directed by Luciano Melchionna, 2008). Roberta's artistic production exposes us to a dexterity that transforms materials used to express a high ideal of relationship, using the artistic impulse as a healing function, compensatory of a pain that is constantly omnipresent. The first creative impetus is therefore her experience and her memories, which constantly watch over the process of conception, so there is symbiosis and synthesis between the creative passion that needs to be transformed “materia”, and the meanings of the completed work that are multiple and impregnated of symbolic valences, with omnipresent chthonic divinities in background even if not visible. Thus, sex and death (Eros and Thanatos) combine in Morzetti’s work, actually in all her works, which present, without complacency, a perfect correlation between the feminine element, death and life. The sacrificial ritual and the scream of Munch seem to be repeated in her installations and sculptures. The use of white and plaster attenuates the drama of the vision, but reminds us of the “briquettes” of the works of mercy of “Luca Della Robbia” not to make us forget, so it seems, that awareness refines the sensitivity and multiplies the symbolic meanings, and with the awareness that a white veil covers all forms of life as quicklime. Medium and artistic technique developed by Roberta Morzetti refer to an all-Italian tradition of assembly, which finds its first genial expression in Ettore Colla. The wreck, the object found, is relocated and given a symmetrical value in the cry of complaint that accompanies the work. It is clear that what is most urgent to Roberta is the denunciation, the disguised and transfigured rebellion through the beauty of art; but it is still a denunciation, an acknowledgement, a reference to conscience and to a superior morality. All this makes this young artist a vate, with her burden of pain and memories and with her courage to show them to the world. Exhibitions and Events Since 2012, he has devoted herself to the production of large sculptures, moulding directly on her body, and reworking with blowtorch and assembling with other objects.

2012 - “WI FI Art”, Circolo degli Artisti, Rome, group exhibition (Curator Pietro Paolo Cannistraci).

2012 - "Un non so che", group exhibition at Palazzo Farnese in Tuscania.

2015 - The sculpture "BebéBangBang", is included in the permanent collection of the MAAM Museum in Rome (Curator Giorgio de Finis).

2015 - 1st prize “Medusa Aurea prize”, International Academy of Modern Art, Rome, Sculpture section, with the artwork "C5-C7".

2016 - Her sculpture "La Muerte Borracha", enters the private collection at Inofficina2017 - Special guest during RAW 2017 (Rome Art week) at “Mannequin” Angelo Savarese solo artshow.2017 - “Flusso di Linfa” group exhibition at Pavart Art Gallery (curator Velia Littera).2017 - Video art project “R_Esisto” partecipation in occasion of the national day against feminicide.2017 - “Parlami di te” at Forum Center in Rome solo exhibition2018 - Urban installation “BonaDea_18” for the Playground of Amatrice, devasted land by earthwake (curator Velia Littera).2018 - “RO_MA” Rome Art Week RAW 2018, double Solo with Mara Celani Sculpture & Photography.2018 - “Winter Mood” group exhibition at Pavart Art Gallery in Rome.2019 - “W+B=harmonia” group exhibition, Rome2019 - “R_esistenza” sculpture enter a private collection at A.V.Home Gallery, Rome2019 - “Homing”, group exhibition at Vascello Theatre in Rome2019 - “Martius Private Suites”, solo exhibition, Rome2020 - “SKIN_20”, solo sculpture exhibition, Pavart art gallery, Rome

2020 -  APNESYA_20, scultupture, sea muse gives her name to a photo book by Prisca Tozzi 

2020 -  BBQ_20, selected sculpture for "Festival del Tempo" in Sermoneta

2020 -  Patecipationto documentary fim directed by Roberto Orazi  “Parlano le donne” for the Ministry of Equal Opportunities on air on RAITRE TV for the day against femicide

2020 - FASE UNO curated by Velia Littera, group exhibtion for Rome Art Week, RAW 2020.

2020 - Sculpture selected for Germin(azioni) as part of the Viterbo Art Biennale

2021-   Shortmovie “CUTISMEA” directed by Roberto Orazi produced by Pavart

2021-   Group outdoor exhibition TERRA ARTE sculpture park in Blera, near Rome

2021    Arte & Olivi, Solo sculpture outdoor exhibition in “Tenuta 100 Torri” Ascoli Piceno

2021    BombixMori_21 for RED ZONE in occasion of Rome Art Week 2021

2021    Arte n Nuvola, first art fair in Rome at the Fukasa Nuvola congress center

2021    Narcotica_20 selected for the catalogue edit by SKIRA ”L’arte al tempo del CoronaVirus”

2022  Special guest in occasione of a special art tour organized by “Friends of the Poldi Pezzoli Museum” curated by Alessandra Montalbetti at Alessandro Vitiello Home Gallery

2022  Card illustration for the Third Paradise of Michelangelo Pistoletto in Venice curated by Francesco Saverio Teruzzi

2022  SKIN_20 enters the new art & design space Studio Area in Via Margutta, Rome

2022  Group exhibition “Io sono Io” curated by di Velia Littera

2022  Sculptures in the garden of Santa Chiara in Tuscania – Biennale of Viterbo

2022  Solo exhibition PAX­_22 in Sant’Agostino Church in Tuscania in occasion of the Biennale of Viterbo.

2022  Solo exhibition PAX_22 at Palazzo Alessandri in Viterbo.

2022  Group exhibition “Un nuovo sole ogni giorno” curated by di Greta Alberta Tirloni.            

2022  Group exhibition SanKta at the Mueum Colle del Duomo in Viterbo.


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