Delphine Valli
Data and contact details

I was born in Champigny-sur-Marne in France, in 1972. I've lived in Algeria, in Algiers untill 1989. I actually live between France and Rome.


Among the last exhibitions and events: Tutta l'arte è imitazione della natura, curated by Manuela Evangelista (Museo Orto Botanico, Rome, 2018);Fenêtre jaune cadmium, curated by Sarah Linford (Institut Français | Centre Saint Louis, Rome); Hors les murs, curated by Galerie]s[Mortier (Digital District Art, Paris, France, 2017); Connection, curated by a curatorial team of Luiss Business School in association with Université Paris-Sorbonne (Uptown, Rome, 2017); Forme/Luci-Spazio/Tempo Due artisti francesi per Muro Leccese, curated by Elisabetta Giovagnoni (Ex Convento Domenicano, Muro Leccese, 2017), Tutorial Sirtaki, curated by Elena Bellantoni e Mariana Ferratto, Media Art Festival (MAXXI, Rome, 2017); I Martedì Critici in mostra Anni Zero II, curated by Alberto Dambruoso (Gallery of Art at Temple University, Rome, 2017); Artisti a confronto (Suzhou Jade Carving Art Museum, Suzhou, China, 2016); XXVI ° Biennale di Scultura di Gubbio, selected by Fabio De Chirico (Palazzo Ducale e Museo Civico Palazzo dei Consoli, Gubbio, 2016); Seminaria Sogninterra, curated by Isabella Indolfi and Marianna Fazzi (Festival biennale di Arte Ambientale, Maranola, (FM), 2016); Ecstatic motion, curated by Elisabetta Giovagnoni and a critical text by Raffaele Gavarro (SI#1, Arteealtro, Rome, 2016); Dodici stanze curated by Claudio Libero Pisano (CIAC, Genazzano, 2015); Artsiders, curated by Massimo Mattioli and Fabio De Chirico (Galleria Nazionale dell'Umbria, Perugia, 2014); Affinità elettive, curated by Abbiatici_Levy (Label 201, Rome, 2014); Entre Nous, curated by Simona Merra and Carmela Rinaldi (MuGa, Rome, 2014); Les révoltes logiques, curated by Elisabetta Giovagnoni (AV#2, Arteealtro, Rome and Naples (Intragallery), 2014); Circumambulazione, curated by Alberto Dambruoso (Ex Elettrofonica, Rome, 2009); Martedì Critici, curated by Micol Di Veroli and Alberto Dambruoso (Via Carlo Botta 28, Rome, 2010). In 2015 I partecipate to the Artistic Residency Bo_Cs curated by Alberto Dambruoso (Cosenza, Italy).

Upcoming :

collective exhibition, Focus Locus curated by Carmelo Cipriani (Galleria Studo Legali, Palermo, 2019)

solo show, Mostra Flash! curated by Claudio Libero Pisano (Albumarte, Rome, 2019).


Till 2009, I teach Performative Techniques for Visual Arts (Academy of Fine Arts, Foggia and then Rome) and till 2015 Drawing for Graphic Arts for the master ArtLab (Tor Vergata University | Academy of Fine Arts, Rome).

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