Michele Marinaccio
Data and contact details

Personal Form Artist: Michele Marinaccio Address: Via Principe Amedeo 120 cap 00185 Roma-Italy Phone/E-mail + 3933981 O 1848- michmarinaccio@gmail.comProfile: Concept artist Artist who works inside the concept art area. His work may be defined as an inspiration towards spirituality which overcomes himself throughout the same art. As an artist he is moved by a deep thought and his way to work involves a concrete interactive and"interdisciplinare method''. That's just to express his thought in the best way, to bring the result of his thinking to the observer. Since 1990 he has been working on several installations, performances and videos in Italy and abroad . He lives and works in Rome. Artist who works inside the concept art area. His work is meant to define a sort of spirituality through art, overcoming himself . His artistic working is moved by deep meditation and to actualize it he uses an ''interdisciplinar method''to lead his thought towards the observer as result of this meditation.

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