Mariateresa Marino
Data and contact details

MARIATERESA MARINO was born in Taranto in 1983. After graduating in Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Lecce, she graduated in History of Contemporary Art at the Sapienza University of Rome. She currently lives and works in Rome.


2013 Ozio - Abitare, group show curated by Giovanni Matteo, February 3-23, exhibition hall ARTErìa, Matera (cat.)

2012 Ozio a Majazzin: Tutti su Ventura, group show curated by Sante Cutec- chia, Caterina Striccoli, Giovanni Matteo, December 14 - January 4, 2013, Majazzin House Gallery, Altamura

Il Peso dello Spirito - Giuseppe Maria Desa, group show curated by Franco Contini, contemporary art collection, Basilica Pontificia Minore of Sancta Maria ad Nives, Copertino (cat.)

I fili di Ersilia, group show curated by Angelo Raffaele Villani, Ja- nuary 27 - February 11, Rossocontemporaneo, Taranto

2011 L’arte non è cosa nostra, Italian Pavilion at the 54th Venice Biennale, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy, group show curated by Vittorio Sgarbi, October 28-31, Le Sale del Re, Milan (cat.)

Differentemente Criminale, solo show, October 1-16, Circolo Culturale l’Atrio, Matera



2009 Avvertenze artistiche, curated by Monica Ratti and Emanuele Ladovaz, September 10-20, Museo dei Fori Imperiali, Rome (cat.)

2007 Aperitivo ad arte, Cafè dei Napoli, solo show at the Academy of Fine Arts in Lecce, April-May, Alliste (LE)

Lo sguardo di Penelope, Progetto: Il linguaggio della madre tra tra- dizione e modernità, curated by Giuseppe Schiavone, Gallery of the Academy of Fine Arts in Lecce, March; Lefkada City Gallery (Greece), September (cat.)

2006 Aperitivo ad arte, Cafè April-May, Alliste (LE)

Le immagini, la parola, e l’Università di Lecce

2005 4.Premio Internazionale (cat.)

dei Napoli, group show at Academy of Fine Arts,

I giovani artisti dell’Accademia di Belle Arti insieme per i prossimi 99 anni, Lecce (cat.)

Biennale d’Incisione, Monsummano Terme (PT),

Naturarte 2005, Schola Naturae, curated by Renato Galbusera, Ex Ospeda- le Soave, Codogno (LO), (cat.)

Sostadarte - I ristoranti salentini come luoghi di cultura, May-June, Lecce (cat.)

2003 Disegno filatelico, exhibition at the end of the workshop with Gian- carlo Montelli, Raggio Verde - Associazione Artistica Socio Culturale, Lecce (cat.)

San Domenico Savio, Convento dei Teatini, Lecce.

Percorso d’arte, on the occasion of Giro d’Italia, Palazzo delle Provincie, Lecce (cat.)

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